A Crisp Breeze Through Chrimson Trees

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It was a cold autumn morning, i couldn't help but shiver as a gust of wind ruffled my jacket.

The day was already off to a bad start, my mother was passed out on the couch after going into a drunken rage against my father. Since there was no hope in waking her i had to walk to school or at least to a bus stop. Which brings us to now me standing on the muddy sidewalk waiting for the bus to pick me up.

Once i was on the bus i sat down and sighed in relief, i was getting worried i may have missed it already. It was my first day back at school as a sophomore. Id hate to be late as a first impression on my new classmates, not that i have much of a reputation to keep up but still.

I was distracted from my own thoughts by a shift in the seat, i turned my head to see a boy with charcoal hair and pale skin sat next to me. He looked rather messy wearing a black hoodie and coffee stained jeans, he smelled like cigarettes and somewhat of sweat.

I didn't realize I must've been staring until he spoke in his rather high pitched voice. "Hello there!" He said staring at me with his warm hazel eyes. "Oh i uh hi!" I said back embarrassed that he caught me practically studying him. " my names Gerard, but you can just call me gee for short" he said offering his hand. I reluctantly took it, "uh hi gerar- um gee! My names y/n".

He was actually rather cute, with his upturned nose and blushed pink lips. Since I'm not very subtle when it comes to staring he must've noticed my dazed glaring at his features, his cheeks turned a floral pink as he stared back at me.

Gerard quickly took his hand away from mine realizing we'd been holding them for far  longer than a normal handshake, he giggled awkwardly while messing with his hair. "Its nice to meet you um, I'm gonna listen to music if thats alright" Gerard asked like he needed my permission first, " oh yeah thats fine! Ill probably do the same" Gerard nodded and smiled proceedings to put his green earbuds in.

I did the same with my red earbuds looking out the window while listening to queen, i kept trying to focus on the lyrics but my vision kept wandering to Gerards reflection on the window. Ive gone to this school for years now yet I'm just realizing I've never actually seen him before, id certainly recognize a face like his.

My brain continues to think about Gerard until i eventually start to doze off leaning against the window like a pillow, a very cold metally pillow.

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