Future Comic Book Artist

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I walked into my fluorescently lit classroom and promptly walked over to my desk. The first thing i notice is the empty desk beside mine, i look around and see my friend Patrick on the other side of the room. Our seats have always been next to each other so it was quite the shock to see him four rows down.

As the bell rang signifying the first class I sat down and pulled out my binder. I've always been a more organized person, growing up in a dirty environment sorta instilled a need for cleanliness in me. I opened to a fresh page and began to scribble some small drawings onto the lined paper, only briefly glancing up to see what Ms. Lavigne was writing on the board.

It was then when i heard a loud thud on the door, looking up i saw Gerard. He walked in panting like he'd run a marathon, "is this room 108?" He said in between heavy breaths. Ms. Lavigne nodded and pointed to the chair next to mine.

Gerard sat down tossing his notebooks on the table, "Hey its you again, starting to feel like your following me" i said in a humorous tone. Gerard smiled glancing over at me "maybe I am~" he responded in a rather flirtatious tone. I was pretty drawn aback by this and it must have been noticeable cause he started giggling when looking back at me.

He then took out a large black book and flipped it open while going to retrieve a pencil from his bag. "Shit" he said looking frustrated "what is it?" He sighs "i didnt bring a damn pencil". I reach over into my bag and pull out a pretty blue pencil, "here you can borrow mine if you want!" He smiles relieved "thanks!". I hand him the pencil and his plush fingers brush gently against mine to grab it, it feels as if a swarm of fuzzy bees are flying all around in my chest making me overheat.

He turns back to his book scribbling something on the paper. "So what are you writing about?" I ask "im not, I'm actually drawing" he says, i excitedly blurt out "i draw too i also have my sketchbook on me!" Without thinking. Crap. "Really? Thats so cool can you show me some of your art?" Starting to regret what i said i timidly say "well i don't know i don't think you'll like any of it really, i doubt its as good as your stuff" Gerard smirked softly "ill show you my art if you show me yours".

His offer oddly inspired me to reach for mine in my bag, hesitantly i take it out and flip through pages contemplating what to show him. He sneakily peers over my book looking at my fantasy OC drawings as i flip, "Woah whats that?" He asks. I stammer realizing he saw it "oh um.. its nothing just some characters i made up.." i say trying to brush it off. "Can i see them? They look sick!" Hearing his enthusiasm i hesitantly hand him the book, he hands me his in return.

As i flip through i see countless stunning sketches of super powered character and beautiful water colored art, it makes me almost nervous about my plain pencil drawings. "Gee these are really good... like really really good!" I say in awe, "thanks" he replies a pink hue creeping up on his cheeks. "I wanna be a comic book artist..." He says quietly almost like he didnt want me to hear it, "thats so cool! You totally should!" "Really?!" Gee exclaims surprised. "Yea! Id totally read some comics by you i bet theyd be great!" Gee blushes a more vibrant pink tint at the compliment, "thanks you" he says smiling to himself.

We kept chatting through class till eventually the bell rang, as we made our way out me and Gerard pulled out our class schedules seeing if we had classes together. Next was English which we were both in! "Um y/n? I uh dont know where my locker is.." gerard whispers embarrassed, "oh whats your number?" "Uh 234?" My eyes lit up. "Thats right across from mine! Follow me" i said lightly tugging on his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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