Chapter - 2

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Vegas's pov

" I will leave first then", I said to my father.
He agreed on staying a little more to have a drink with uncle korn and I was in no mood to drink with the old gang.

" Stay for a drink Vegas", kinn said smirking .
This bastard , he can't leave himself because he is too good to upset his father and now he is dragging me too .

" Well am in hurry kinn. Macau is waiting, he must be bored by now. I should go now", I said walking as quickly as I can.

'macau must be really bored by now ', I thought.

He didn't really liked coming here but my father still drags him because he likes to pretend we are a happy go lucky family; 'BULLSHIT'

He usually wanders around the garden so I headed there.

I saw him sitting on the grass by the pond with someone .
'that's odd', I quickly took out my gun.

I couldn't see the face of other person but by the uniform he must be a bodyguard of the main family.
Macau was smiling.
That's really weird. He was talking to a bodyguard and smiling for some reason. I need to make sure he is fine .

"What's going on here", the bodyguard was startled by my voice.

He quickly stood up.

'He is my eldest cousin's bodyguard, what was his name uhh pat, or feet,'

"I was just talking to phi pete", Macau said.

Oh so his name is Pete, Wait did he just called 'phi' to a bodyguard.

That pete guy just smiled a little, I noticed a dimple forming on his face.
' Cute' , No Vegas it's not the time to check him out. He must be planning something since he is tankhun's bodyguard.

" I should go now " , he looked at me. "See you around nong Macau", he said to my little brother.

" Bye phi", Macau said standing up.

After he left. Macau came to me and said,
" Let's go what are you waiting for"


We got in our car.

" Is that bodyguard blackmailing you",

" What?,No!!", he started laughing.

" Then why were you calling him phi and what were you even talking to him. You know he is tankhun's bodyguard right? , What if he was planning to hurt you or something", I was worried.

" I was just helping him find his ring because I was bored, then we started talking. He was actually very nice ",

" I want you to be careful Macau , we can't trust them you know this right?",

" I know hia , Its not like I was sharing some personal information with him . We were just casually talking about random things " .

Weird. I need to keep an eye on this Peter guy , wait was it Pete.
Uhh who cares.


Kim's Pov

" Your car is ready khun Kim",
My bodyguard said .

" Umm okay ", I was still thinking why my father asked me to come urgently. That old guy is definitely planning something.

I arrived at the main house. It's been a while since I last came here. I rarely visit my family, specially my father.

I was still listening to songs through my airpods while I went inside .

This song is really nice.
Music works like medicine for me. It helps me calm my anxiety.

I was indulged in my song when someone bumped into me and my airpods fell down.

" Sorry khun Kim", he said breathing nervously while picking my airpods.

I was looking at him. If I remember right he was my eldest brother's bodyguard. I have never really paid attention towards him but he looked cute while he was looking at me nervously ,probably waiting for me to say something.

" What's your name ", I asked while taking my airpods back from him.

" Uhh 'pete' khun Kim " he said looking down .

His bangs were falling on his face. I could see some sweat . He was probably walking really fast before bumping into me.

" Walk with me to my dad's study", I said .

' why is he asking me to come to khun korn's office', he was talking to himself for some reason.

" Don't worry I won't eat you", I said

" Shit he heard it" he said to himself again.
Working for my brother has definitely affected his mental state.

We were walking towards my dad's office.

" Why were you walking so fast", I asked trying to break the awkward silence between us.

" uhh I was going to report to khun noo", he said .

" Did I disturbed you then?",

"Umm no khun Kim. I can report to him later ", he said while looking down.

We reached my dad's study .

" See you later Pete", I was definitely scaring this poor guy.

He just bowed and walked as fast as he could. He was looking funny and adorable at the same time , walking as if his life was at stake.


" For what do I have the honour", I asked.

My dad was sitting on his couch drinking some wine. Few other glasses were there. Seems like he just finished a meeting with someone .

" Minor family just left ", he said.

" What it has to do anything with me",

" Well I need you to work on a mission, they are definitely planning something. You need to keep an eye on Vegas ",

" Why are you asking me instead of kinn",

" Well he already has so much on his plate Kim, plus he is way too kind to go against someone like Vegas. You are the perfect fit for this job".

" You need me to find out what they are planning and ruin their plan?"


" What if I say I don't want to"

" I know you want to Kim, I know you very well son. You are like me afterall".

That definitely wasn't a compliment . To be honest I didn't mind doing this job . I liked ruining plans.

" Seems like I don't have any other options, Count me in then", I said .

He just smiled and proceeded drinking.
It was my cue to leave.

Scar behind his smile - (Vegaspete)Where stories live. Discover now