Chapter - 4

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Vegas's pov

I knew someone was spying on me and am completely aware of the fact that main family and my uncle is behind it.
He is really testing me huh? .

I am not going to let anything or anyone ruin my plan . For the first time in a while my father is happy and proud of me. The satisfaction I felt after explaining my plan to him was everything to me.

While sitting in my office , I was thinking about the day I told him about the success I had in executing my plan. He was proud of me that day .

Though We had more than enough money to live a Luxurious life without working even a single day . But my father craved for power . He wanted power and hold over main family. And I craved for his appreciation. So I will do everything to get him what he wants .


" What is it Vegas?", My father asked. when I entered his office. He was sitting on his chair . Smoking his cigar. He looked at me .

" Pa I have sealed the deal with Mr. Chen. He is eager to help us with my next project", Mr. Chen was first part of my plan .

" Really", he was surprised.

"Yes pa", I was proud of my success.

" When you told me about your plan, I was not completely convinced but now seeing how smoothly you're executing it ,gave me a huge relief",

" Thank you Pa , it is going very smoothly . now I can leave it on autopilot mode for few days and before anyone will get suspicious, I will execute the second part of my plan ".

" Be careful 'son'! , We can trust Chen since he can't affect us that much but the other party is dangerous. You have to be very cautious with them",

"Yes pa",

I left his room.

he was right . It was risky but he just called me 'son' after so long and it felt so good . Its going to be worth all the risk .

Mr Chen was formerly involved with main family but because of some issues ,he stopped working with them a while ago.

I met him at a business meeting ' well meeting him was also part of my plan' and from there I started gaining his trust.

He will get to work with us anonymously. 100  illegal casinos will work under his name all over the Thailand while we will fund it. We have 65% shares. Main family is obviously excluded from this deal.

By giving him the 35% share , I gained his trust. Now, that will open the gate to the next part of my plan.
'The Kang plan'.

Everything is going smoothly but I know how cunning my uncle is .
He is smart and maybe that's the reason he involved Kim this time.

It's going to be fun . Let's see Kim what you're capable of .


Pete's pov

I was waiting at the restaurant where we were supposed to meet. I was nervous. We have not seen each other for years . She was so beautiful back then, and also that's the reason I never asked her out.

I wore a simple black hoodie which had a cute bear print on it ,a blue jeans and white sneakers.
According to Porsche I looked cute. So I was feeling a bit better .

" Hey", a beautiful girl waved in my direction.

She is pink. As I expected she became even more beautiful.
I thought upon seeing her I will feel butterflies in my stomach like I used to feel before , but to my surprise I didn't feel anything.

Scar behind his smile - (Vegaspete)Where stories live. Discover now