1. Monday Mornings.....URGH

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(Cas POV)

It was seven twenty two in the morning and whoever invented the alarm clock was going to be brutally assaulted. I smashed the button on the alarm until it turned off. You can get yourself to fuck! I thought. I rolled out of bed and shuffled over to the wardrobe. Whipping out my new uniform and shoes. Yay the first day of term! Who the fuck created mondays? Damn them to hell! Why the shit do we have to wear a uniform? They don't have to wear uniform in America, why do we have to! I half thought half whispered. I pulled on my freshly ironed shirt and black trousers. I ran downstairs with my tie flung carelessly round my neck.

"Morning Cassie!" Both mum and Gabe, my older brother, screeched in my ears. "Um.....morning, I guess." I replied.

"So, Cassie, you ready to be a big boy?" Gabe teased.

"It's Cas not Cassie, and I'm already taller than you dickwad!" I retorted.

"Castiel Novak! Watch your language!" Mum shouted.

I sighed with defeat as Gabe sauntered off to get ready laughing at me.

The toaster popped. I quickly made and ate my breakfast before rushing back upstairs.

I know that there's no point in arguing with my mother, she's not going to let me stay home but after seven weeks holiday I really don't want to go back to school. And my transfer from Glasgow means I will know absolutely no one!

I begin battering on the bathroom door to get Gabe out. What guy needs thirty minutes in a bathroom, seriously, what does he even do in there! Gabe bursts out the door, sending me flying, muttering about 'how I need to respect my elders!' The cheek of him!

"Cassie, hurry up and get your ass down here or I'm leaving without you!" Gabe yells.

"Fuck," I mutter. Gabe's my only ride to school. I rip out my earphones, grab my bag and hurdle downstairs. And thanks to my athletic abilities I still look great at the end. A quick comb of the hair and I'm ready to face the day. Bullshit, this is going to be horrendous!

(Dean POV)

I'm already up before my alarm, well alarm doesn't really fit but it wakes me up alright, but I know the drill so I lie patiently in bed until I hear the door slowly creek open. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the lump of hair to appear on top of me any second now.

"Bean! Bean! Bean! Wakey wakey!" Sam screeches while jumping on me. Sam's only four but man is he heavy and brutal.

"Jeez Sammy. I'm awake. I'm awake!" I reassure him. He cackles maniacally before jumping off the bed shout to mum that I'm up. I take off down the stairs after him.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs the living room is filled with Sam's squeals of laughter from the kitchen. As I enter I see him hiding, terribly, under the table. I'm unsure whether it was the laughter or shaking of the table that gave it away. Just because I'm twelve doesn't mean I can't play around. I sneak round the table, putting a finger to my lips to keep my mum from saying something. I wait until I'm behind Sammy before reaching under and pulling him out by the waist. Mum shrieks as I place a screeching lump of hair on the table. After five minutes of trying to calm Sam down we eventually have breakfast. Homemade pancakes. My second favourite, only to the glorious creation that it homemade pie.

After breakfast I race upstairs to put on my uniform and get washed. The first day of term, I've got to look good. I easily spend ten minutes in front of the mirror trying to tame the sandy blonde hair on my head. As usual there is no hope, resulting in me just running my hands through it with some gel and hoping for the best.

"Dean, honey, are you ready to go?" mum shouts lightly up the stairs.

"Is that the time?!? Um...just put Sammy in the car, I'll be down the now." I reply. Deep breaths, I tell myself, it's just school, nothing we've not done before, right? Wrong, it was the day I started High School. The youngest, again. Having a January birthday doesn't help either. I sighed and set off downstairs. I grabbed my bag and set it over my shoulder. I pulled the front door shut behind me and made for the car.

A/N: I apologise now for the next chapter as it is very lengthy!
Please tell me what yous think so far!

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