Our dream come true justanothertmbfanciction Chapter nine

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Stef’s P.O.V:

I got ready to go find nicole, I know I only just met her but it seems like I’ve known her for ever. I’m worried about her how could her own dad do something like that to her. We were all ready I locked the front door behind me and walked down the path. ‘So where should we start looking?’ dru questioned. Emily thought for a second ’ she will either be at the park or dance studio, so will split up, ash and dru use will go to the park just round the corner and me and stef will go to the dance studio, then in about an hour will meet back at the coffee shop.’ We all nodded and went our different ways. There was a few minutes of awkward science before I broke the silence ’ so nicoles a dancer?’ Emily smiled ’ yeah, we both are so is charlotte.’ She kept mentioning this girl charlotte ‘who is charlotte?’ I asked ‘oh she’s mine and Nicole’s best friend we’ve know each other since primary school, she was going to come to the gig but she had to go on holiday.’ It was nice talking to emily, since last night she was to busy flirting with ash we did talk for a little bit last night but not much. ‘Well maybe one day she could meet us’ emily chuckled ‘she’d love that’ we turned the corner when I saw a little hut ‘this is it’ emily said she opened the door and walked down the corridor I followed her. As we got closer the music began to get louder and louder it was the click click did you wrong which made me smile. We came to a door which was slightly open I looked in and saw nicole dancing. The song finished and she stood still breathing heavily. She was a really good dancer. I suddenly felt someone push me which made me trip over and fall on the floor I heard someone laughing I looked up and saw nicole. I stood up but didn’t look at her trying not to show I was embarrassed. When I had stopped blushing I finally spoke ’ erm hey can we speak’ nicole looked at her feet and nodded. I pulled two chairs from the side of the room. I sat on one and nicole sat on the other 'emily told me about your dad, I’m so sorry I didn’t know he did that to you I can’t believe he did, don’t worry I would never do anything like that.’ Nicole was looking at the floor trying to hide her tears but I could see she was crying I pulled her into a hug. ‘Nicole I’m so sorry, don’t worry no one will ever hurt you because ill be here to look after you, I think from now on me, you, ash, dru, emily will be great friends and maybe we will become friends with your other friend charlotte’ nicole wiped her tears and looked up, I never noticed how beautiful her eyes were, there sort of a blue/green colour, there beautiful ‘you don’t have to be sorry stef, I should be the one who’s sorry and I think we are going to be good friends to, I’m guessing emily told you about charlotte then’ ‘yeah she did’ I chuckled. She smiled ’ so we should probably go find the others, were meeting at the coffee shop so we’ll probably get a drink’ nicole nodded ‘okay I really need one after all that dancing and I might get a chocolate cake to’ she winked. we both stood up and walked down the corridor, when we walked past a room with a couple dancing when the women tripped up and pulled the guys pants down. Me and nicole nearly died of laughter and it didn’t help that nicole tripped up which made us laugh even more. Nicole was really funny and we had a lot in common when we get to know each other even more I hope we can become more then friends because I feel different about nicole I think I have feelings for her…

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