Our dream come true justanothertmbfanciction Chapter six

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I hour ago….

Emilys P.O.V

We pulled up outside there house, I didn’t know what to do, I just felt like I was in a dream. Dru unlocked the door and stefan carried nicole in the house and took her upstairs.Dru followed him, he said he was really tired and needed an early night. So I hugged him and said ‘night’ I blushed ‘sorry’ dru smiled ‘its okay, night sorry will have a chat tomorrow and get to know each other’ I smiled ‘okay!’ I just stood still in the hall way not knowing what to do or where to go. Ash grabbed my arm and led me to the living room. He let go of my arm and said ‘Do you want a drink?’ I replied ‘erm yeah’ he opened the fridge and pulled out two cans of beer. He threw a can at me, I just about caught it ‘good catch’ ash smiled I chuckled ‘thanks’ ‘so what do you want to watch?’ Ash asked ‘erm anything’ I replied as I sat down on the couch. Ash started flickering through the channels. I finally built the strength to say something ‘I can’t bielive I’m in the same room as ashley horne, your probably used to fans saying this but I love you so much you guys are my idols, and this probably sounds really stupid but I always dream about being your girlfriend’ I blushed. Ash chuckled ’ its okay, and aw that’s so sweet of you, thank you’ Then stefan came down stairs, ‘she’s fast asleep in my bed ’ stefan said. ‘oh okay she’s gonna be really shocked waking up in your bed haha’I laughed stefan just laughed ‘so what do you guys want to eat’ ash asked ’ erm what about pizza’ stefan replied ‘YES’ I screamed. They both laughed ‘pizza it is then’ Stefan went out the room to go order the pizza while me and ash got to know each other. Ash was so perfect even more perfect in person, he was so kind and really funny. Omg I thought to myself this night couldn’t get any better!

Ash’s P.O.V

So we brought emily and nicole back to our place, nicole was fast asleep in stefans bed and me and emily were sat on the couch watching the simpsons, getting to know each other.

I don’t know what was wrong with, i felt different about emily, she was really funny and not like all the other fans I had this weird feeling in my stomach, every time I looked at her my heart stopped, was I in love with her?

The door bell went, stefan answered it. It was the pizza. After we ate it we got to know each other a bit more. It had been an hour or so when I noticed emily was yawing, I wapped my arm around her and she lent her head on my shoulder and fell asleep and not long after I did to

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