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The next memory begins a couple minutes after the previous one. Scott is seen in the boy's locker room with a dazed expression on his face, still processing that Allison's father is one of the hunters from the previous night. Stiles stops in front of him, on his way out for practice.

"Look at him! He looks like he seen a ghost." Molly gasps.

The others nod in agreement while Draco turns to Blaise and Theo. "Mate looks like he wouldn't last a second in Hogwarts."

"Did you apologize to Allison?" He asks his dazed friend.

"Yeah..." Scott nods his head weakly in response.

Not satisfied with the answer, Stiles asks "Is she giving you a second chance, or...?"

Scott nods his head "Yeah..."

Excited, Stiles says "Yeah? All right! So, everything's good?"

The boys from the second generation, along with the Marauders and Regulus wince at Stiles not reading the vibe of the room while the girls roll their eyes.

Ginny turns to Tonks, Hermione, and Luna. "Are all boys daft?" to which they chuckle at.

"Hey!" Harry and Ron exclaim but are ignored as the girls turn back to the screen.

The other boy shakes his head. "No..."


Unable to make eye contact with the Stilinski teen, Scott tries to explain. "Remember the Hunters? Her dad is one of them."

Stiles gaps at him in shock. "Her dad–?"

"No her pet snake. Of course her dad!" Draco drawls.

Ignoring his words, Scott continues. "--shot me–"

"Allison's father?"

"--with a crossbow." Scott finishes his sentence.

Now that Scott has finished speaking, Stiles repeats himself "Allison's father?"

"What is he not grasping?" Neville murmurs to Luna who shrugs.

Officially snapped out of his daze, Scott exclaims "Yes! Her father!" before starting to panic once again. "Oh, my God–!"

Stiles tries to calm down the McCall male. "No, Scott. Snap back!"

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