Chapter 26

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Fucking Drugs, Fucking Booze, Fucking Groupies, Fucking Up ?  No FUCKING WAY


It's been a couple of months since Sky and I had our talk, our relationship has been good, we're moving forward, things between us and the kids have been phenomenal.  Things with the band are awesome, the music we're making is the best we've ever done, the guys seem to trust me, I mean when I say we're in a good place.

What has been tough is seeing the drugs and alcohol at the studio.  It's not like I've wanted it or been tempted, in fact, when I see it I head the other fuckin direction.  Some of the party players have been hanging around more too.  Girls I don't remember, but I know for a fact that I've fucked, girls and guys I've never seen before, or maybe I have and I just don't remember.  It doesn't really matter.  Usually there's a bunch of people hanging out, some of them are other musicians that are working with us, sometimes just other people recording here.  There's always the party people though.   The thing that is kind of fuckin with me is seeing my old party friend Nolan.  He was a the closest thing to a friend that I had for a couple of years, but we really don't have anything in common anymore, I don't party, smoke, drink or drug, so what do we talk about now?  I feel like an ass, I was so fuckin shallow, I hung around for years with a guy that I don't really know, and don't seem to have much in common with.

We had fun together, he wasn't a bad guy, not any worse than I was.  We partied and did a bunch of shit that I just am not ever gonna do again.  I see him, I say hi, but I keep my distance.  I feel kind of bad about that, but it's not like we were close, fuck I was always so wasted that I wasn't really close with anyone.  It's just kind of messing with my head, he knows more about what I got into than I do.  its fuckin weird to know that a big chunk of your life is remembered better by others more than by you.

We've been in the studio for hours now, looking at my watch, I see it's almost the kids bedtime.  Ducking out of the studio, I catch Jakes eye, so he sees that I'm heading for my nightly good night call to the kids.  

"Jake, you guys bringing food in?  I'm fuckin starved, order me double of whatever you're having you vegan health freak."  I smile, he knows I'm fuckin with him, he is the healthy eater though, fuck that shit looks good, but it always tastes like dusty cardboard.

Scrolling through my phone, I see the pics that Sky sent, the kids look so fuckin happy, they're all laughing and it looks like they're baking some kind of cookie.  They and the kitchen are covered in frosting and sugar, I wish I was with them.

"Hey Sky baby, I'm sorry I'm calling so late, did I miss the kids going to bed?"

"You got us just in time Tuck, hey kids, come over here, Tuck is on the phone."   I hear a boatload of giggles and talking in the background.   The screen flips to a FaceTime request, and I see three shiny, smiling, sleepy looking people.  Three people who are my fuckin world.

"Tucky !  We made cookies!  We used frosting and sprinkles, and we made so many that you can have some when you get home!"  They are talking so fast, and over one another, that I start to laugh.  

"How's your music going Tucky?  Are you having fun?  We miss you.  Will you make banana pancakes tomorrow morning?  Mommy says we have to be healthy, but if they have bananas in them, then they're healthy, right?"  Nellie thinks she's so clever, and she is, because if she wants banana pancakes tomorrow, then I sure as fuck am gonna make them for her.

"Yeah baby, if mommy says it's ok, we'll have bananas for breakfast."  I smile, knowing what is coming.

"No Tucky!  Nellie said banana pancakes, not just bananas!"  Colt talks over Nellie, he always has her back.  Our kids are fuckin amazing.

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