༺| when he's jealous

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What's he like when he's jealous? Who's he jealous of?

I haven't double checked this so ignore weird cringe typos or tell me

Requested by 1mokay 🤭


• Nigel. But He's like an older brother to you

• On a scale of one to ten, he's probably a 4-5. Not very jealous, but more sad because he's been used in the past

• when he's jealous he won't show it with his face since he's concerningly good at not showing any emotion in emotional situations

• besides he's too embarrassed to show any signs of being jealous because after all, you're not even dating.

• but he's overall just pretty obvious with body language

• normal conversations don't bug him, just touchy ones

• and he's so awkward in those situations... he feels like someone could be able to win over your affection before he can land one on them with a book

• but at the same time you can just tell he's judging the person

• he tries not to let it get under his skin but he can't help it sometimes

• then he reminds himself you're just friends and tries to get over it

• he doesn't but give him kudos for trying


• lowkey jealous of Hayato because you're good friends with him

• Hayato, i mean he's pretty touchy so there's a good reason

• on the scale he's probably a 2 or 3, what can I say, he's a secure guy

• he tries not to get caught up in little crushes since he finds saving the children more important

• but still just thinking about you falling in love with someone who isn't him is like dropping two tons of disappointment in his stomach

• but he's not the type to lose his shit over you talking to someone too much

• he'll hold a silent grudge against that person then get over it

• unless it's Hayato, there's one-sided beef with Hayato

• he always reminds himself that he still has a chance and that you're still available

• don't hook up with a demon


• doesn't have anyone to be jealous of.
maybe the kids because you pay attention to them? No...

• Lucas knows about his bud's feelings so he keeps a comfortable distance.
if not anyone, then who?

• it's ray
And no you aren't into him like romantically wtf 🤨

• you think ray is really cool for a kid his age so you hang out with him a lot

• yuugo doesn't like it when you talk about how cool ray is because he thinks he's cooler

"Ray is so smart for a twelve year old, we're both from gracefield but still when I was his age I couldn't even do long division!"

"When I was his age I could shoot a gun."

(I know it's not canon💔)

• when he's jealous he'll do that impatient finger tapping thing coraline's mom did

• if you're talking about another person with him expect him to turn it into a who can slander that person better competition

• a solid 5/10 because he's self declared himself better than anyone you may think is worthy of your friendship


• just Lucas not really caring about who you talk to so 1/10

• and definitely doesn't mind you talking to Yuugo because it's bro code

• if there's was someone he had to be jealous of, it would probably be all the kids because you're lowkey like a mother to them

• you're with them 2/3 of the day

• occasionally he'll try to drag you away to discuss "plans" or something

• other than that he really doesn't care that much he loves you too much to get bummed out over you just talking to someone


• on the normal scale, pretty low

• but when it comes to Zack...

• unspeakably high numbers

• Zack knows Oliver likes you and he doesn't mean any harm

• but it's just him being dramatic over how the medics get to have their hands all over you and all he can do is accept that it's normal

• silent smiling type

• like the peaceful glaring type

• it's okay do whatever there's really nothing anyone can do about it


• Grumbles and walks away

• He gets jealous more often than you'd thing, he just doesn't show it

• so 3/10 with occasional exceptions

• Sandy ticks him off sometimes though because of how much he shows off his chest hairs

• why can't I be that hairy 😞

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