༺| How Many Children

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How many kids does he want?


• He's 50/50 about having kids, but would be alright with one. could accept two
(also meaning that the 2nd wouldn't be planned and would literally be an accident 🫢)

• Any more from that point on just feels like too much for him as a person

• He would also feel bad for making you go through labor again after already having to experience that. Ouch...


• Around three would be my best guess

• He wants his smart genes all around ykkk give him freaky smart babies

• But I actually feel like Norman might secretly want to be a father more than he realizes

• he envisions a future with his own mini-genius squad, spreading their smarts everywhere.

• Smart genes aside, Norman's desire to be a dad taps into his softest side and just makes him feel giddy


• settled on 2, one girl, one boy. It's part of his life plan

• he's honestly up for whatever you want to do but if it was up to him, that's it

• obviously he's a bit scared of fatherhood but he feels like he could handle two kids to raise as his own

• okay but he really wants kids


• as many as possible, it sounds ridiculous but literally like 4 and maybe even 5 if you're down

• after having Emma and every over kid around, he's loved the idea of adding one more child and it being a mixture of just you and him

• his child growing up with a bunch of other kids he also considers his... a dream

• please give this man children he'll beg you
Forget Hayato because Yuugo REALLY REALLY wants babies

• he'll deny it at first but give it some time he'll be desperate


• pretty different from Yuugo, doesn't have a need for kids

• he feels fulfilled as a father knowing he raised Oliver and the rest of the resistance right

• in his eyes, he's already a father and having a baby would just be like raising any of the other kids but from birth

• in other words, he's not planning on having any children so none really


• ooo his dream is having twin sons like he would faint if you somehow miraculously produced that

• but he also likes the idea of having three kids, I'm settling on three

• he has a dream pair, but he doesn't care about the genders that much because at the end of the day those kids are still his and he'll love them till the end of time

• there's no explanation he just wants kids


• doesn't really want any...

• he'll take one accident and let it slip like okay we can have a baby but after that, no

• point is, don't expect him to suggest kids

• he'd still be an amazing father of course, he dreams of the day he'll be able to teach his child how to ride a bike

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