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Idk why but I randomly thought of an AU where Molten is like Bryan's father figure and Molten see's Bryan as his son :)


Moltlen's POV:

I wondered around the pizzeria looking for Bryan.

I haven't seen him in DAYS, and I'm worried about him.

I hope that he isn't overworking himself again.

As I walked passed Bryan's office I heard crying, and it sounded a lot like Bryan.

I turned to the door leading to Bryan's office and opened it.

And when I entered his office I saw Bryan sitting at his desk with a bunch of paperwork, and his head was down and he was crying.

My heart broke at the sight, I always saw Bryan as a son to me, and it hurt seeing him so stressed out, overworked, and tired.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him before picking him up and sitting down with him on my lap.

Then he hugged me and continued to cry as I gently combed through his hair.

"It's ok Bryan, I'm here" I said softly.

Bryan didn't respond, he just continued to cry while hugging me.

A little while later Bryan calmed down and was pretty much half alseep.

"Just go to sleep kiddo, you need rest. You can finish your paperwork later" I said.

Then Bryan slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep soon after.

I wasn't surpised at how quickly he fell asleep, mostly due to fact that he hasn't slept in probably about a week.

A few minutes later I stood up still carrying Bryan and then walked over to the couch and gently placed him down.

Then I placed a soft blanket over him before turning the lights off and then leaving his office and shutting the door behind me.

After that I walked away from his office and decided to just walk around the pizzeria and see what the others are up to.

Sorry this was so short, I just wanted to make a oneshot on this AU becasue I thought it was adorable <3

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