Nightmare(Part 1)

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Bryan's POV:

I was finishing up some work at around 3 in the morning.

I will admit, I was very tired.

But I had to finish my work or else I would most likely get yelled at.

And I don't need anyone else yelling at me today.

I'm already too tired for that anyways, it is 3 in the morning after all.

Gregory was sleeping in his room and mh parents were also sleeping in their room.

I was barely even anywhere near halfway done.

I yawned for probably the 100th time as this point.

After I stopped yawning I heard a loud scream.

I could just tell it was Gregory.

Then I placed the paperwork down on my desk and quickly ran to Gregory's room.

"Gregory!?" I yelled.

When I got into his room, I saw Gregory crying and shaking on his bed.

I ran over to him and embraced him into a long and comforting hug.

I placed him onto my lap as he cried into my chest.

My heart broke into millions of peices from the sight.

I just knew that this was going to be a long night.

But I wasn't worried about that right now, I was worried about Gregory.

I looked down at him and softly asked "Do you want some cookies? It might make you feel better"

Gregory just nodded in reply while still crying.

"Alright then, let's go downstairs to kitchen so you can get some cookies"

Then we both got up and then went downstairs and into the kitchen.

And I got him some cookies and milk and he ate them before I took him up to my room.

He ended up falling asleep in my bed with the lights on due to him being really scared of having another nightmare.

Meanwhile I spent the entire night making sure he didn't have any nightmares and also doing work.

Also I will be making a part 2 to this oneshot :)

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