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I'm sorry it's not the best, it was kind of rushed😅

Molten's POV:

"Thanks for agreeing to take care of Gregory" Bryan said.

"Whatever" I replied as I rolled my eyes as him.

The brunette laughed.

"Anyways, I'll see you too later. Bye dad, bye Gregory" Bryan said.

Gregory ran over to Bryan and hugged his leg.

"Bye dad!" Gregory said.

Bryan got down and hugged him back.

"Bye Gregory" Bryan said before they both let go of the hug.

He gave me a smile and then left the house shutting the door behind him.

And if you were not aware of what is going on, Bryan is going on a date with Vendi.

Which to be honest, I did not aprove of whatsoever.

But Bryan was like my son, and I want him to be happy.

So I guess it's not THAT bad.

But I still don't trust that fucking CEO.

I don't want to be anywhere near him at any time no matter what.

And I especially don't want him around Bryan.

I just feel like he's going to hurt him.

And I don't want to see Bryan hurt, ever. Not in any shape or form.

Eventually I snapped out of my thought and back into reality.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Gregory asked looking up at the tall animatronic.

I tunred my gaze to the child infront of me.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" I questioned.

"Well, we could make cookies" Gregory suggested.

"Bryan does it with me all the time!" He added.

"Alright then, let's go" I said.

Then we both walked to the kitchen.

"We're going to just use pre-made made cookie dough since I have no fucking idea on how to make cookie dough" I said grabbing a box of pre-made cookie dough.

Gregory laughed.

"Ok then" He said.

Once we put the cookie dough in the oven and waited for them to be done Gregory talked about things he would do with his dad, aka Bryan.

I slightly smiled as he talked about how much he enjoyed hanging out with his dad.

"Bryan is the best dad ever!" Gregory stated.

"He always plays with me and sometimes we make cookies or brownies together!" He added.

He sounded so happy and excited when he talked about it.

Which made me happy too.

I love to see my family happy, even though I don's show it.

"But, I am worried about him though....." Gregory said, sounding more uoset than earlier.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, he is always working and barely gets any sleep. And yesterday it seemed like he was about to cry" Gregory replied.

I knelt down next to him and embraced him in a hug.

"Don't worry, it will be ok. He is just having a rough time right now" I reassured him.

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