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We went out to look at the stars while eating sandwiches and covered strawberries. I didn't know how Ethan had the time until he mentioned he was doing this when I was having fun with my mom. As we stare at the stars, Ethan mentions how he used to do this with his mom and Bethany before she got sick.

''If you don't mind, how did she get sick?''

''She got sick when I was fifteen and my sister was fourteen, she found she has stage four cancer in her breast. She went to the doctors to find all the treatments and they told her that the cancer already spread to her body and it was so aggressive that she would need to begin her aggressive treatments. She even got her breast removed to take the cancer, but it spread everywhere attacking her lungs and causing her to be weak everyday.'' I can see it's so hard for him to tell me how he lost his mother. Ethan mentioned how it was never the same when she died because she was his friend.

''I'm sorry you lost your friend.'' I held his hand as he turned his head facing me. ''It's different with you.'' I turned my head to face him when he told me I am different from all the other girls. I ask him what makes me different from all the other girls because the girls who are probably into are hot girls who can rock his world. He told me that he feels alive when he is around me because I make him want to be a better person. ''Well, if I make you want to be a better person then you should stop fighting.'' I suggested.

''Whatever you want.'' He smiles.

''I mean it.'' I turned my body to face him and he reciprocated it telling he promised me because he wants to give this try. I lean in to kiss him where we kiss right in this moment without thinking about tomorrow. We fell asleep under the stars realizing we were sleeping in the middle of campus, but we didn't care about how embarrassed we were. I went back to my dorm getting myself ready for class. Ethan texted me how we should ditch today because he wants to take me somewhere.

I got myself dressed ditching for the day where we went on a car ride going to his lake house. I was shocked to see the lake house property because it's so huge. He took my hand taking me in the house where I was dumbfounded by the fact that his family owns this beautiful house. He told me that the lake house is another property that his family owns.

"I like it." His homes are always beautiful. We went into a room where he was looking for a bathing suit for me because we are going out for a swim in the lake. I was afraid to go into the lake because I never went swimming in a lake before other than the ocean.

"Have you ever fished before?" While he was looking for a suit for me in his sister's closet. I wanted to make conversation. "I used to be with my mom." He shouted because he was in the back of the closet while I was sitting on the bed looking out the window. He came out of the closet bringing me a two piece bikini, I was so stunned by how sexy it was.

''This is so sexy.''

''So are you.'' He smiled as he went into his room getting his suit. I went to the bathroom to put on the suit. When I put the two piece bikini on, I was standing in front of the mirror seeing that my breasts are so enlarged in them. When Ethan came back I didn't want him to see me in it, so I quickly found a bathrobe before he came into the bathroom.

''Does it fit good?''

''Yes.'' I was a little shy showing my body in front of my boyfriend. After all, I didn't show my body to my ex either. He asked me if I was going to keep the bathrobe on and I told him I would meet him there. He left to jump into the lake and I left before he saw me. I swim towards him tickling him in his lower abdomen area. I was shocked to hear his laughter because he was not the type to ever laugh at all. He grabs my waist as he brings me closer to his chest as we stare into each other's eyes. He leaned in as he kissed me and every kiss was a fire swallowing me whole. I wrap my arms around his neck embracing him warmly as we share an electrifying kiss. At that moment I was this close to losing my virginity to him and that is when I had to draw the line to almost getting there.

''I can go slow.'' He whispers. Once again when he whispers it brings chills to my body causing my skin hairs to prickle right up . ''Catch me if you can.'' I swim away as I splash water in his eyes. He started to swim to catch up to me and I wouldn't let him because I am going to show him my swimming skills.

''I got you!''He finally catches up to me grabbing my waist as he kisses my neck telling me how beautiful I am. I turned around to face him telling him how he makes me go crazy when I am near him. We evaporate one another breath as our tongues enter into one another mouths reminding me of the sweet scent of vanilla.

We went back into the house drying up where Ethan was cooking something for us in the kitchen. I was surprised that there was food in the lake house until Ethan tells me he spends most of his time here rather than at home. ''Does Bethany come here too?'' I asked.

''No, she comes here often.'' Whatever he was cooking smelled really good. I am in love because I didn't think Ethan could cook. Ethan mentioned how I think he doesn't know how to cook and it was like he was reading my mind. I responded to him ''yeah.'' He said it's understandable because people doubt that he knows how to fight and not cook.

''I guess.'' He puts the food on my plate and his. He handed me my plate of food and I dug right in, falling in love as each take was going into my mouth. ''I see you like it.''

''Like it?! I LOVE IT!'' I was in love with the pasta he made. I never knew it would taste this good. I wanted to know if he is going to culinary school because he clearly has the talent. He mentioned how he used to do this with his mother until she became weak and couldn't do it anymore. His mom was so alive when she was in the kitchen baking and cooking and making people happy through food until she lost that power when she was diagnosed.

The way he talks about his mom shows that sensitive side of him and how much he doesn't want to show it because he lost the one person who truly loved him for who he was before she was diagnosed.

''I can tell you miss her.'' I said softly.

Mhmm love...

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