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I went home this weekend because I don't think I hung out a lot with my parents when Ethan and I became friends. It was so weird that Ethan and I became friends just like that after being in a relationship for a couple of months. Mom was wondering how classes, and my love life is going where I told her I have been managing both at the same time.

''Wow, so who is the new guy in your life?'' Mom was curious to know the guy until I mentioned that there is no guy. Mom knew the guy happens to be Ethan and she knows she is the last person to judge, but she reminded me that he broke her heart once and she doesn't want that for me at all.

''I know, but I can't help it.'' I said. Mom didn't like what I was going through when he broke my heart, but she wants me to remind me that it's my life and the choices we make are what define our paths. I didn't want to hear anymore because I know she is right, and this is why I am not rushing myself into a relationship with him.

I went to my room just sitting and contemplating on my mom's words and also on my choices. I love Ethan, but I need to think for myself and what do I want from him and myself. I text Ethan asking him why he loves me? He didn't answer me for the whole night or the next day either, so I'm thinking he's busy.

I was hanging out with my family anyways, so I needed to get Ethan out of my mind until he knocked on my window. I was sleeping when I heard the knock, so I got up and opened it for him to get him inside.

''What are you doing here?'' I was so tired and wanted to go back to sleep. He gave me kisses telling me how much he misses me. ''I texted you, but you didn't answer.'' I said. He responded that he didn't have his phone on him when he was studying for his exam, also Blossom came by the house demanding that his father pays up for the child.

''She didn't get an abortion.'' I was surprised she was going to keep this child to make Ethan and his father's lives so miserable. Ethan was getting irritated with Blossom because she used every form of manipulation to try to get her way when it didn't work. She sleeps with him, yet he doesn't love her, so now she sleeps with Ethan's father to have him accept her when she is carrying a sister or brother of his.

Ethan comforts me as I go back to sleep as he tells me stories while I am sleeping. He begins telling me how he is fixing his old ways to show that he has redeemed himself for me and not only for me, but for himself. He was so messed up before he met me where he was breaking hearts, but it was because he lost his mother who meant the world to him, ever since he has been looking for someone who can fill the empty void that his mother left. He never thought he would find love because he stopped believing in love after he lost his mother.

When I woke up the next morning, Ethan was not next to me cuddling, so I suspected that he left. I went downstairs where I happened to be talking to my parents as my mom asked me if we did something last night. I responded that I was sleeping, and he was cuddling me last night. Mom looked at me all suspicious, but I was telling the truth even though Ethan backed me on it.

Mom invited Ethan for dinner because she can tell he's holding my heart dearly, also she wanted to know his intentions. She cares about me so much to the point she will not stand for me to be hurt by the same guy who hurt me a year ago. Ethan knew that my parents had no reason to like him after what he did to me, but he will prove to me that he will become the man I deserve. He was helping my mother in the kitchen while I was watching them laughing and working together in the kitchen. I went to sit with dad where he told me that Ethan is a good guy who seems to be dealing with his demons.

''He is.'' I said.

''I used to be like him and when I met your mother, I was dealing with my own issues.'' Dad stated how he used to be Ethan until he realized that life without love is a life without. He begins to tell me how he could not lose my mother because she was the best thing that ever happened to him. He realizes that Ethan loves me, and it will take him some time to work through his own issues.

I'm surprised that my father is siding with my decision although I am still thinking about my choices and how it will affect me. I receive a text from Blossom telling me that she will have Ethan regardless. I don't know what she is insinuating, but I don't care what she does with her life as long as she leaves me out of it. I block Blossom knowing I should've done that a long time ago; I couldn't help myself to think about our future.

''I love him.'' I told my father.

''I know sweetie.'' He kisses my forehead watching tv. When Ethan was done helping my mother with the food, I wanted him to go upstairs for him and me to talk. 

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