17-2 | Chicanery

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Quinn crept from shadow to shadow in the nearly lightless town. Making her way from the beach to the town had been easy. Passing through the town presented its own set of challenges. She didn't know if any of the pirates were out and about in the town who might recognize her, which left her with a difficult balance of remaining unseen without seeming suspicious. She had rid herself of the torch and the pry bar, fearful of carrying a source of light and grateful that she had not needed the weapon. Not yet, at least.

Most of the town seemed to straddle one long, wide avenue. Unlit alleyways filled the spaces between close-set buildings. Quinn longed to be on top of the roofs where she felt safest but could not risk being seen climbing to or down from a roof. So, she hurried toward the laughter and music pouring out of the pub, keeping to the shadows. The trail of connection to Trina and Atticus led inside.

Few people were out on the street at this hour. A lone lazy-eyed man sat outside the pub, spewing his evening's drink into a pail with loud retching. Buckets of filth seemed to be a rich commodity on this island. If Quinn found herself pressed for a weapon, perhaps she could throw it at someone.

Stepping past the drunk toward the pub's entrance, she paused. She was worried that members of Rookplume's crew could be inside. But if any of the pirates who could recognize her were within the pub, they would likely recognize Atticus and the others as well. It seemed likely that either no pirates were present, or her friends were in danger. Either way, she would need to go inside.

She slipped in quietly. To her relief, Atticus and Trina, as well as the other two of Atticus' trainees, did not appear to be in any danger. Atticus was speaking to the men in the pub. "I know you're afraid. But if you join us, we can put an end to the fear. Help us assault the fortress and take down the pirates. Is there not one of you brave enough to join our cause?"

Quinn slipped up and tapped Atticus on the shoulder. "I'd like to join."

Atticus turned in shock, as if seeing a ghost. Trina squealed with joy. "Quinn!" The large woman ran up and enveloped Quinn in a hug that left her breathless.

Atticus regained his composure. "You're free! I was just working on putting together a rescue party. That ship burning in the harbor. That was you, wasn't it?"

Quinn returned the hug to Trina and then extricated herself. "Me? I'm just a girl the pirates took captive." She raised her eyebrow at Atticus. "Surely, someone with wizard magic was responsible. And Rookplume, the captain of the pirates, has already vowed revenge on the morrow against the wizard. If you're ready to face him, I will do everything I can to assist."

Taking her meaning, Atticus nodded and grinned. "Of course." Raising his voice, he called out to all the men and women in the common room. "Let all throughout the town know that the wizard Atticus calls out Captain Rookplume, tomorrow at high sun."

As there was a sudden commotion of chatter amongst the tavern's occupants, some rose and exited to spread the gossip. Atticus leaned to Quinn. "I hope you have a plan."

Quinn smiled. "We're going to need a few things."


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