21-1 | Defending Monsters

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Quinn glared at Bria as the other woman held her knife firm against Madrigal's throat. The wizard was not struggling or attempting to make a sound, fear and regret in his eyes. Calling out to Bria, Quinn asked, "What makes you think I care what you do to him?"

Bria's faced twisted in amusement, emitting a snort of derision. "Nice try, but I see through your ruse. You want to convince me you don't care about him? State it as a fact, not as a question. I want to hear you speak the lie."

Quinn bit her lip and said nothing.

"You can't do it. You lie, you lose everything. The price you pay for being a wizard's pet. For being the lackey of a monster."

Quinn's blood was boiling as she narrowed her eyes. "Monster? I'll take my monster over yours. What horrors have you unleashed? And what price have you paid for your power? You've been lying to Tenet all along, but you have magic. What did the ni'vilae take from you? Was it worth it?"

"I would pay any price to see Madrigal suffer for what he—Ow!" She turned angrily, kicking to dislodge Widdershanks' teeth from her ankle. "Get off of me, you mangy rat!"

As Madrigal took advantage of the distraction to break free, Bria lunged with her knife, catching him in the ribs. Quinn crashed into her as Madrigal limped away, his side pooling with red.

Quinn fended the other woman's blade away with the superior length of her sword, but Bria was quick and aggressive. Finding herself more on the defensive end, Quinn took a step back to disengage. "Whatever the price was, you overpaid."

Bria sneered, balling her fist. "He won't escape. Neither will you. I gave everything I could to have the power to end him, and you will not get in my way." Bria opened her hand, a sphere of violet energy in a nimbus of black held in her palm. She pulled back her arm, moving to throw it at Madrigal.

Quinn yelled. "No!" Not knowing what the energy was, she threw herself in front of it, taking the full force. Quinn immediately felt herself paralyzed, falling to the ground.

Bria kicked Quinn hard, rolling her over to the other side, allowing her to see the injured Madrigal making a turn in the maze. She could hear Bria yelling down at her. "I would kill you now, but I want your master to know how much you're going to suffer when he dies." Quinn watched, helpless, as Bria went chasing off after Madrigal, following the trail of blood.

Quinn tried to wiggle her toes and fingers, and she could feel the slightest of sensation returning. She was relieved to know the condition was only temporary, but her recovery was far too slow to be useful.

Through extreme effort, she closed her eyelids, willing her body to respond, for the sensation to return to her muscles. And suddenly, she felt a warming, soothing energy filling her body as the feeling returned and the stiffness melted away. She was shocked, unsure if she was doing this. According to her training, wizard magic could not directly influence living beings, but she could feel herself being revitalized. How? She opened her eyes to see Widdershanks right before her eyes, glowing with radiant energy. Not only did she feel able to move, Quinn felt an energy and agility she hadn't before.

Quinn leaped to her feet as the aura surrounding Widdershanks faded away. She looked down at the pudgy ferret. "You're full of surprises, aren't you?" He shot her a look of pure innocence, chittering playfully. She reached down and scratched him beneath the chin. "Glad you're on my side. Now let's go save Madrigal."

She started running, Widdershanks at her heels as she followed the trail of blood drops, hoping she wouldn't be too late. Navigating the twists and turns, she soon found herself in one of Madrigal's memories that she knew all too well—Uldrin. Thunder rumbled ominously from the gray skies over the lifeless grey village. Lifeless, but not abandoned.

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