35- Friends are Difficult and I Would Like to Cry (Hermitcraft, a lil Empires)

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Uhhh hi, sooooo, I keep on having a huge gap between posting stuff. Sorry about that. Anyway...

This oneshot takes place in Hermitcraft 9, but if Pearl and Grian were frenemies for some reason, and if Gem was really insecure. You guessed it, this is a vent.

TWs: Concussions, head injuries, a complete failure to include dialogue, probably not very healthy friendships, crying, a good amount of swearing, and probably a few mistakes or typos because I don't want to reread it and cry about what actually happened again

The scene before me wasn't even all that unusual. It just seemed like two people arguing. But with context, it's really fucking depressing on my part.

It had started really simple. There are two people who I actually consider my best friends- Pearl and Grian. I'd had a thing planned with Pearl- she was gonna sleep over at my base for the weekend. But earlier today, she fell off her base while building, and hit her head and got a concussion. Great. We didn't let that stop our plans, though, and we proceeded with the sleepover. Then, Grian asked me if we could hang out. I said sure, and boom. The three of us were hanging out at my base.

We had decided to play MarioKart. Not my personal favorite game (meaning that I actually hate it), but I almost always win, and both Pearl and Grian like it a lot. And getting those two to agree is a difficult task.

The two of them had gotten a bit heated in the MarioKart trash talking, and, well- Pearl and Grian. They're so similar and yet hate each other. They both aren't the best in social situations- a trait that I share-, they both tend to escalate fights and make them physical, and they're both so damn stubborn. I don't actually remember who shoved first. It might have been Pearl, but only after a lot of taunting from Grian.

The two spent a good hour, just on-and-off fighting. Sometimes it seemed like they were just joking, and other times it felt like they were about to kill each other. And I, Gem, was sorta just stuck in the middle. They both tried so many different power plays that were just plain stupid. They also found some burrito plushies that became weapons of chaos. Pearl decided to give Grian the silent treatment, and only talk to me when he was locked out of the room. Grian retaliated by hitting Pearl with the plushies. Pearl then decided to make me help her by picking up the plushies so Grian couldn't get them. They both seemed to be trying to get me to take a side, even though there was no real reason that they were fighting, that I could even back up an opinion or anything.

So, we get to now. I'm standing here, in this mostly dark room, playing vocaloid music on my phone, trying desperately to ignore the concussed Pearl and the possibly-concussed-now Grian, who are also ignoring each other. I can't fucking handle it.

I admit, I snapped. I told Grian to go home. And at that point, he must have been just as sick of this shit as I was, because he did. He didn't say a word, he just grabbed his shoes, and left.

And I didn't really feel like talking to Pearl, either. I just stood there. I was sick of Pearl, too, she had been acting so judgy but at the same time noncommittal, bored but boring. She was blaming Grian for the entire thing. I couldn't handle it. I was on the edge of tears- heck, I might've been crying. I muttered out something to Pearl, "I- I need to go take a break," and bolted up to my bedroom.

I got a message from Grian. He said that if the Halloween party was gonna go like this, then he wasn't gonna go. He seemed to be blaming Pearl for the whole thing.

I turned up the music even more, and started sobbing. I wanted to tell someone about this, but couldn't, because the two who I consider my best friends are the two who I'm upset about. Well- I guess I could talk to someone who I don't see as often.

I got on the groupchat that consists of myself, Lizzie, Scott, and Shelby; and I vented about everything that happened. Shelby tried to find solutions, as the typical mom friend. Lizzie mostly responded with emoticons- like always. And Scott gave the scariest answers. He suggested that, what if Pearl and Grian just couldn't be friends?

After I gave up texting them, I was just listening to the music. I got another notification on my phone.

ImpulseSV: I'm not sure what's going on, but I heard yelling. Do you want to come and watch some British Bake-Off?

I typed out a quick yes, before heading down to Impulse's base. I passed the room where Pearl had been laying down- I think part of the reason why she was mad at Grian was that he bumped her head and made her concussion headache feel worse. She had the door shut. I continued down the stairs, now feeling even worse.

I sat on the couch next to Impulse for awhile, watching the baking show. He didn't really ask what had happened, which I was grateful for. Eventually, I said goodbye to him and ventured back home.

Once I got back to the room where Pearl and I had been hanging out, she was laying on the ground, watching TikToks. I asked if she was okay, and she gave a noncommittal noise. When I asked if she was mad at me, she said no, but I wasn't sure if that was the truth. We both just sat there for awhile, and I looked at some memes on my phone- just to distract myself from thinking about what had happened.

Pearl suddenly sat up and massaged her forehead. I asked if she was alright, and she told me that her head was throbbing. She decided to go home to get some rest, and maybe go to a hospital later. Pearl blamed Grian for her concussion feeling worse. She looked like she was close to tears.

Once Pearl left, I was a mixed-up mess of emotions. On one hand, I was relieved. I didn't have to deal with the emotions of being around people after that argument. I was also exhausted, and kinda glad that I could be able to actually sleep, instead of having to wake up every hour because Pearl also had to. But I also felt bad. I felt bad that Pearl was going to have to spend a night in a bunch of waiting rooms with a massive headache. I felt bad that both Pearl and Grian were upset at each other and possibly me. And our sleepover and possibly our Halloween party were ruined. I was really sad and angry that I couldn't do anything about this stuff. I thought about that stuff, sobbing, as I fell asleep, along with the tiny hope that this would just all seem silly and dumb by the morning. 



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