moon madness

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we were currently having breakfast and Duncan spits it out

Cameron: this slop tastes like dirt gravy which technically would be mud but-

he then trips down the stairs, falling face first into the bowl

Mike: wow, Cam! you okay?

he picked him up on his feet and put his glasses back on but they broke

(y/n) confessional: I can't believe what I just saw, or have just seen. No saw. Either way, I can't believe it.

she had a flashback of Mike tripping Cameron

(y/n) confessional: Why would Mike do that to Cameron? They're friends... Did Mike break Sam's game console too? and Sierra's Smartphone? But why?

Sierra confessional: Look at me! It looks so weird without my phone! And without my phone, do I even exist? And if I can't talk to him, does Cody exist?

Sierra: Zoey, (y/n) can you see me?

(y/n) and Zoey is too busy looking at Cameron

Sierra: Am I here?

Cameron puts his glasses back on, only for them to break again. Sierra then screams right in Zoey and (y/n)'s ear

Zoey: Ow... What was that for?

(y/n): Why would you do that?

Sierra: I thought you couldn't see me!

Zoey: What?

Sierra: I thought I was invisible. Thanks, Zoey.

She walks back into the cabin

Zoey: what?

(y/n): you'll get used to her, probably. Hopefully.

Chris loudspeaker: Evening, campers! Gather round the starting line for a BIG announcement.

(y/n): Hey Mike I got a favor to ask you.

Mike: What is it?

(y/n): Could you remember the number 11?

Mike: Why?

(y/n): Please.

Mike: Alright.


The helicopter's spinning blades are heard, and a dusty, scratched up Scott is dropped onto the ground, screaming. He lands with a thud

Courtney: Oh my gosh, are you okay?

Scott then gets up

Scott: Why wouldn't I be? That was nothing.

His spine makes an odd cracking noise as he stands up. He moans

Courtney: Well... good, because we have a challenge to win! Get it together!

Scott: Yes, Ma'am!

Scott confessional: Maybe it's 'cause Pappy's in the army and Mama's a waitress... But I kinda like taking orders!

Courtney confessional: My only interest in Scott is as an ally, really! Sure he's cute, but in a sloppy, rustic sort of way... Like a shack with nice curtains, or a donkey wearing a wig.

Chris: Good news, you guys. As a special treat, it's time for an extremely dangerous nighttime challenge!

Gwen: How is this 'good news'?

Chris: Entertainment value, hellooo. This one is gonna be ratings gold.

Chef rolls up a TV with a map of the island on it

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