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Salem and Sissi walked side by side down the street. It was nighttime, and a cool breeze flew through the city. The two went out to run some errands while there wasn't anything too serious happening. Salem walked at a leisurely pace as she looked up to the lights hanging above.

The city was lit up nicely and there was a full moon just above the tall buildings.

"Do you prefer night or day?" Sissi's voice broke Salem out of her thoughts. Salem blinked and looked over to the girl who's gaze was on the moon as they walked. Sae noticed that Sissi would often ask random questions. Seeming like she was trying to get to know people better.

"Night." Salem said blankly.

She was quiet and her gaze went to the many lights around them as they passed.

"I do too, but the only thing I don't like, is when there's no light at all. The dark is quite intimidating." She said getting quieter finishing the sentence.

Sae looked at the other. "You're afraid of the dark?" She asked

"...Well I guess you could say that. Just, when there is no light anything can happen and you are practically blind." She said softly.

"That's one of the nice things about this city, is how it's still alive even when it's dark." She said looking over at Sae with a small smile.

Sae listened and looked at the street lights.

This city definitely was an amazing place. And Salem agreed with Sissi's words. The dark could be an unsettling thing. It was like walking into a void. Being surrounded by nothing.

Salem then heard the faint sound of horse hooves and looked over a short wall to her right. There was two horses coming towards them down the street a ways.

"Riders to our right." Salem said in a serious tone. Sissi immediately looked in the direction.

Sae watched as they galloped. The street getting slightly dark as they rode past the street lights.

They then slowed down and turned the corner. Now approaching the two.

Salem tensed up as she knew they were locked onto them and getting closer.

They slowed and walked toward them, indicating they were going to try and talk. Salem quietly took a deep breath.

"Howdy." One of them said now stopping in front of the two.

"Evenin'." Sissi spoke up trying to hide her uncertainty.

"Ohh, miss Sissi, right?" The man said looking at her with interest.

"...yes, Sam Bass I presume?" She asked.

"That's right, I think I saw you at a meeting I had with the DiCenzo's a while ago, but I didn't get to formally meet ya'." He said with a slight smile.

Salem eyed the both of them. She noticed the other man that hadn't spoken yet kept looking at her. He wore a hat and had shoulder length hair. The other man was bald and had a mustache.

Sae heard about Sam Bass. Him being a possible man the brothers were going to do business with. But he seemed untrustworthy and was leading a new alleged gang of outlaws.

"I'm not sure if you heard the news. About my group recently getting into a gun fight." He said shifting on his horse.

"No, I haven't." Sissi said in a fake intrigued tone.

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