There goes my heart

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•Lance's POV•

"Lance! Dinner is ready!" Hunk screamed over the loud speakers in my room. "Geez Hunk, you nearly blew out my eardrums."

"Sorry man, I'm still trying to get used to these things. I would have texted you but I have no idea where my phone is. I use it one time for a recipe and then it disappears forever."

"That's rough buddy."

"Yeah, oh can you grab Keith on your way down? I called his room but he won't answer."

"Umm I guess."

"Thanks, see ya soon!"

I swear that's the fifth time Hunk has lost his phone. Maybe we just need to glue it to him. But seriously why do I have to get Keith out of all people? Yeah his room is right next to mine but he hates me. And now that I think about, he has been acting strange lately. He's a lot more quiet and I hardly see him around anymore. Whenever I try to mess with him or say a pickup line he never interferes. He just sits in the corner, deep in thought.

I mustered up the strength to get out of bed and walked out of the door. The castle was pretty quiet with the blue lights calmly lighting up the hallway. But when all the castle's lights where turned off when we would sleep, it got pretty creepy like a long hallway in a horror movie where your half expecting something to come running at you from the other side. It's pretty possible considering that I got lured into the airlock and almost died by a ghost. Add that to the list of things I didn't sign up for.

Whistling a random song I walked next door to Keith's room. His door was closed (not a surprise) so I knocked on it softly.

"Yo Keith, dinner is ready."




What in the actual quiznack was this kid doing?

"You know what I'm coming in."

I pressed the control panel and he door slid open.

"What the.."

As I walked in I tripped over some crumpled up pieces of paper. The walls were covered in cork boards and they had writing all over them. It looked like a conspiracy theorist lived here. The place was a mess!

My eyes left all the boards and landed on a figure's back  who was sitting at a desk. The only light in the room was coming from a small lamp sitting on the desk. Looking closer I realized it was the one and only, red paladin. For some reason he had his head on the desk with his face buried in his arms. I walked up to him and saw he was fast asleep. Why was he sleeping? Its the afternoon.

I stood to the right of him and noticed he was surrounded in books and papers with writing all over them. All of them were the books Coran used in the med bay, I wonder if he got hurt and was trying to look up something. I picked up one and studied it more. The only problem was that the books were in Altean. So I have no clue how he reads these.

"Lance! What are you doing in here? How did you get in?!" Speak of the devil.

"Dude what is all this? Are you hurt or something?" I said giving him a confused look.

"Uhh, no I'm fine. Now can you get out."

"What do you mean "Uhh"? You are hurt aren't you?"

"Why do you care huh? Just get out." He stood up and snatched the book out of my hands.

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