new relationships

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October 21 2020

howdy again, so I got sucked back into the Detroit become human fandom once again and I'm not ashamed because I fucking love that godamn game. So I decided to make a lovely OC that I'm actually happy with. So her name is Elaine and she is a detective android just like Connor.  Oh and a thing I'm kinda embarrassed about is that I was to lazy to make another OC to be the "lieutenant" so to speak so I am literally going to fill that roll. I already drew her and myself separately so idk. ima makeup a name cause I don't like using mine lol. Anyways enjoy


It was a cold and rainy night in Detroit, October 12th, 2038. The new deviant hunter Elaine, just got her first mission. Locate Lieutenant Aurora E. Thompson. The android didn't know to much about her new partner so she was interested to get to know a human detective. She had been told that her partner was currently at a bar. Not exactly specified which bar so she had to go to five before finally finding her target. The door had a big white sign that clearly stated !NO ANDROIDS ALLOWED!  She raised an eyebrow at that but went in anyways.

Immediately all eyes were on the android. It's like time stopped for a split second. She started scanning people that were in booths. "The fuck is that doing here." Someone mumbled behind her. After a couple scans of some not so friendly looking people she finally analyzed a person sitting at the bar being very quiet. She got closer as the scan matched the name she was looking for. She did find this girl interesting. She had half black half purple hair. That was very new to the android. Under the other detective's name and license photo, it strangely said all the misdemeanors of her past. Drug abuse, robbery, a restraining order and some medical issues. Elaine noted that and stood to the detective's side.

"Good evening lieutenant Thompson, I am Elaine the android sent by Cyberlife. I will be your new partner at the DPS. It's a pleasure to be working with you." She said with a smile that wasn't even noticed by the human. The detective slowly turned her head to the voice by the side of her. "I don't need a godamn partner. Especially an android." She said in a monotone voice.

"Well I was assigned by Cyberlife to be your partner. There is actually a case we are needed at right now. A possible homicide by an android."

"So what your a android bounty hunter? A android cop? That's hilarious. Why don't you go try out for a TV show somewhere else."  She said sipping her drink.

"...Well I'm not sure I am qualified for a television show but that is an intriguing idea."

The lieutenant stopped and gave the android the dirtiest look.

"...Get the hell out of my sight." She chugged her drink put some money on the counter and stood up. Elaine needed to think of something quick. How do you persuade a human?

"I'll buy you a drink for the road, if... you join me at the crime scene."

Thompson stopped in her tracks and peeked over her shoulder noticing the shit eating grin on the androids face. That pissed her off even more being bribed but who can turn down a free drink. "Fine." she huffed and sat down.


The car ride over to the scene seemed very long and annoying to the lieutenant. This random android talked to her the whole time asking questions and talking about the mission like it was a stupid movie. They finally arrived to the area that was roped off with police tape. The partners stepped out of the car and crossed the police tape.

"Androids are not permitted beyond this point a police officer said."

"It's with me." Thompson grumbled stepping into the house.

As soon as they walked in there was a corpse laying on the floor, blood everywhere. Elaine heard a couple curses come from her partner as she kneeled down to analyze the body.

"Hey hey hey what the fuck are you doing?!"

"I am analyzing the blood, there is both human blood and blue blood here."

"Jesus Christ your disgusting." She turned away.

"Sorry lieutenant."


Elaine ended up finding the android hiding in the basement. They took it in for a interview but it ended up shooting itself in the end.

+time skip to when Elaine pestered Thompson about her life and what she likes+

The dream team just arrived to another crime scene, this time being in the afternoon while it was raining. For some reason Elaine enjoyed the rain. She stood outside looking up at the sky feeling the water fall onto her synthetic cheeks, water droplets mixing with her freckles.

"Elaine! Did you run out of batteries or something?" The lieutenant yelled from the doorway of the victim's house.

"No. I am fine." The android said plainly looking at her partner. She joined the other in the house and this time the body was chopped up into pieces. Body parts all in different rooms.

"The fuck?" Thompson raised a brow.


The android checked all around the house until coming to the back shed. When she opened it and walked she was suddenly hit over the head with a baseball bat. She grunted and fell to the ground. "... Your an android." The frightened one said. Elaine looked up and immediately recognized it as the missing android. She slowly got up and tried to think what to do.

"Yes, I am your friend, now I want to know what happened why did you kill that human."

"I- I was defending myself. He hurt me." The android said looking down. Elaine needed to act quick, all of the police were at the front of the house and probably couldn't hear her if she yelled. I need to keep the deviant calm, she thought.

"Wait, your a deviant hunter I have heard about you." The android gripped the baseball bat.

"No I wont hurt you I promise. Just put the bat down." She said.

Elaine quickly grabbed the bat and through it outside of the shed. Throwing a left hook on the deviant. Now the fight began. Not exactly how she wanted it to go. The android rammed Elaine up against the wall impaling her shoulder onto a rake. It yanked open her shirt and ripped the main biocomponent right out of her chest. Then throwing it outside of the shed. "I can't trust any of you." The deviant said backing up taking one last look and sprinting away. Elaine just remained stuck to the wall, rake in her shoulder.

1 minute until shutdown

She gasped and tried to bear this strange feeling. Holding her breathe she ripped the rake out of her shoulder and fell to the ground holding her stomach. Everything was shutting down, glitching and breaking.

"Aur-aurora! Please, h-help." She choked out, slowly trying to move.

30 seconds until shut down

Her biocomponent seemed like in was half way across the ground, there was no way she could get it in time. This was it, her mission was failed.

"...Elaine!!" a familiar voice yelled. She heard loud footsteps, then felt arms around her.

"Elaine! what happened?! what's wrong I'll help you!" That's the most emotion she has ever heard in her partner's voice.

"Deviant..." she choked out. "There's a- devi-ant."

"Elaine tell me what to do!" She yelled holding the girl in her arms.

5 seconds until shut down

"I'm sor-ry." she whispered.

Her eyes slowly fell shut.


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