Dinner pt.2

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No one's pov

King Sombra stand infront of Twilight protectively. As his eyes glow green, Queen Chrysalis was flabbergasted "What do you mean.. your Queen" She said with an annoyed/angry tone.

Sombra and Chrysalis just looked at each other, Sombra know walk beside Twilight Sparkle and grab her hoof. "Yes, my Queen, I married her even though she is the reason of my death..I realized how powerful she is and I need that type of pony..and not a type who just rule an Empire without me afterwards betryaing me"

Chrysalis just look at Sombra in anger then she smiled in mockery "HAHAHA, do you think I would believe THAT?!...My love, I know you are just making me jealous and I would gladly take you back" she proudly said.

Twilight just look at her..she inhaled and exhaled "Queen Chrysalis, I must say your ego has grown thinking that My king will take you back. Don't be shy and accept that you and him are no longer a couple" she smirked.

Sombra and Strong Light was shock that they didn't know she has the guts to say that to Queen Chrysalis. Then Sombra smiled "See, she can even silence tou with those words, but you have to shout to make everyone silent"

Now Chrysalis is angry "How dare you..YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO ME. YOU FORGET I AM YOUR FIANCE-" but she was interrupted by King Sombra "Ex-Fiance, Chrysalis, but I think we should stop shouting or else my ears will bleed. Come along my dear, let's eat now"

He and Twilight walk towards the dining table, and Twilight leaned her head into his head. Everyone behind them were shocked and lost in words. Then they proceed to be seated.

Twilight's pov

Geez, Thank Celestia I didn't get blasted by Queen Chrysalis. "Princess, you will let me get your food alright" I looked at him and nodded, I was surpriae he can whisper. He usually talk in a loud voice

Then I act to get my own food "My Queen, I told you many times don't raise your hoofs if I'm with you" I chuckled "I can get my own food, My king" then I smiled.

"Excuse me, Father" Dark Shadow interrupted. We looked at him "Uhm, considering that Princess-I mean Queen Twilight is your second wife. Will we call her Step-mother or Mother" Shadow shift looked at her brother.

"What do you mean we, our real mother is here. She...is nothing, but an outsider HECK he is not even our brother" Shadow shift pointed to my son. I was kind off hurt, but this is just act no need to be hurt.

"Shadow Shift, no matter what you will have to accept the fact that SHE is your new mother now and your new brother" Sombra said to her. She just look angry.

"Don't you worry My Shadow changeling, what you said is true. It doesn't matter if SHE is your father's new wife I am still your birth mother"

No one's pov

Having those conversation made King Sombra mad that Green smoke comes out of his eyes. Twilight noticed this and then she put her hoof above his, then Sombra looked at her "Sombra your getting mad, let's just eat!"

That made Sombra calm down, but now he is in a thought..about Twilight. 'How can she calm me down' and Twilight's mind was 'HOLY MOONLIGHT, I CALMED DOWN KING SOMBRA' Chrysalis saw what happened and got jealous.

"Father, what about you and mother have a conversation. It has been a long time that you have talked with each other" Dark Shadow said, Sombra looked at Chrysalis while she just winked at him - he was disgusted.

"Uhm, Dark Shadow your father and mother have been in bad...terms, maybe they don't want to chat right now" Twilight tried to make this dinner have no fight. "Hah, you are really pathetic. You want My love not talk to me, I know him better and longer then you"

Sombra just rolls his eyes "My dear, do you want some wine?"  he asked Twilight. "Oh..I never tried it, but sure!" she smiled then he poured some wine into the glass. Then she tasted it "It taste good!" she exclaimed "Glad you like it My love" Chrysalis stomp her hoof into the table.

"Are you trying to make me Jealous ON PURPOSE"  she violently asked "Don't get me wrong, even though you two have known and love each other longer. Sombra still chose me and...we are starting to know each other" Sombra and Twilight look at each other.

Then he kissed her forehead "Let's not argue with her, my dear, eat first"


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