~chapter 1~

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Natalia's pov:

Walking into the asylum with all of bags, I feel sorry for the people that have to be here as there is just rubbish all over the floor

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Walking into the asylum with all of bags, I feel sorry for the people that have to be here as there is just rubbish all over the floor. As I walk in I see a man sat at the front desk looking like he did not want to be there. The only good thing is that I can wear my own clothes.

Walking over to him he doesn't notice me at first so I knock on the counter to try and get his attention, in which he then looks up at me. At first I think that he looked at me funny because of my hair but then he just looks down at my breasts which just makes me uncomfortable so I walk backwards.

But lucky enough someone walks into the room. "Ah you must be Natalia. I'm Harry, I own the hospital." He says walking up to me and shakes my hand without even asking me. After he finally let go of my hand he just says. "Lets show you your room and then show you all of your patents."

I just nod and pick up the bags I put of the floor and walk after Harry. After walking for a few minuets we stop at a door that he uses a key to unlock it. Holding the door open I walk in and see that there is a desk, bathroom, bed and two chest of draws.

Putting my bags on the floor by the bed to see that some of my bags that I had sent here were already here. Harry walk into the room and hands me a set of keys that has a access card which I'm guessing can gran me access to my patents rooms.

"Right your patents rooms are only round the corner so it will be easier for you to check on them." He says as I lock the door to follow him. "Now all of your patents are along one hallway with a little hang out room that hasn't been used as all the nurses have been to scared of being alone with the patents." Once he has said this I just feel really bad for all of them as they should be able to hand out together.

"First up is Norman Bates, he has a multiple personality disorder he murdered his mum and step dad he now uses his 'mama' personality to kill people in his Bates hotel. He's killed 11 people, his usual personality is shy and nice but his mother could have a tantrum and kill without any warning." Harry says and then hands me Norman's file that he was reading from.

Walking up to a door that had glass along the wall of the cell, I'm guessing so that it was easier to she them when doing check ins. "If you don't want to go in you can just talk through the door." Harry says staying away from the door.

I knew that I wanted to go into every cell, so that all of them know that I really want to try and get to know them for the person that they are. "No I want to go in." I say to Harry before walking over to the door and swiping the access card for the door to open.

Walking in I see Norman sitting on his bed reading a book, but as I walk in he looks up when he hears the door close. "Hi Norman I am Natalia and I'm going to be your new nurse." I say lowly where it won't be too loud that it will scare him, but loud enough that he will be able to still clearly hear me.

"You won't l-leave r-right?" Norman says looking at me from the bed, but his question makes my heart clench for him because this just means that people have left them all before. "I'm never going to leave any of you Norman." I say walking closer to his bed but not all the to it so he is still comfortable.

Norman hearing my words physically relaxes and asks me. "Can-n I have a h-hug?" As he asks me this I smile as I can tell that he hasn't had a hug in a while. I walk closer to him as he gets of the bed and I see just how tall he is. I barley hear Harry call out my name almost in a warning, but I just ignore him as I want all of my patents to be comfortable around me.

Once I am about 2 feet away from Norman I stop and just open my arms indicating to him that he can hug me. Watching me open my arms I see Norman walk the gap between us and wraps his arms around me. Just staying in each others arms for a few minuets.

Norman pulls away from the hug and goes back to sit on his bed to carry on reading. Just before I leave I look at Norman and say. "It was good to meet you Norman I will see you at dinner okay." I say smiling at him to which he gives a small one back with a nod.

Walking out the door and locking it I turn around to look at Harry to see him in almost shock that I hugged one of my patents, but I don't care and ask him. "So who is next."

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