~chapter 6~

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Natalia's pov:

Walking into the canteen for dinner I realise that I have no idea where they sit and how they get their food. I think that Hannibal knew that I didn't know what to do so he puts his hand on the small part of my back and directs me to the food line.

Once I see that all of my patients are in the line so I know that they will get food I turn to look up at Hannibal with a small but kind smile on my face. "Thankyou Hannibal." Looking into his eyes so that he knows how thankful I am.

As he was already looking down at me he sends me a smile of his own before saying. "Oh don't worry kitten I will always help you no matter what your need is." He says as he winks at me making me blush a deep shade of red.

Once we had all gotten our food Hannibal leads me over to a massive table where all of my patients are all ready sat down. Its like they all know that Hannibal is being flirty with me and that I might be liking him so that they decided to make us sit together.

I chose to sit next to Tiffany as she looked the most excited to meet my puppy. Setting my plate down I then pick up cookie before setting him on my lap as he looks at Tiffany with his tail wagging against my lap.

"Ahh sweets he's so cute." Tiffany says sitting closer to me before leaning over so that she can fuss him. Cookie loving the attention leans more over to her making me smile at the sight. I suddenly remember that I need to give Cookie his treat from earlier making me go into my handbag, still holding onto his lead, grabbing the bag of treats that I keep in my handbag.

Its like Cookie knew I was getting out his treats as he hops off my lap before sitting down and puts his paw on my foot, like he normally does so that he knows I am there. Getting out two treats for him I put the bag back into my own, before looking down at him. Putting my hand out he puts his paw into it making me give him the treats before picking him up again.

I look up and see that my patients are just looking at me and Cookie making me give them all a smile before telling them that they can carry on eating as I didn't want them to be hungry later on. As I am picking up my fork I notice that Hannibal is just staring at me which makes me blush and hide behind my hair.

As we all eat all of us, that can talk, talk while the others give us notes or hand gestures so that they can still be in the conversations. Cookie just stays laying on my lap taking little naps before looking around then going back to sleep again. Hannibal leans over to talk in my ear when every one isn't watching and asks me, "So are you single kitten?" Hearing this makes me have butterflies in my stomach.

I was too shocked to answer his question so I just nodded, but Hannibal didn't like that so he puts his hand on my thigh before giving it a tight squeeze in a warning. "Words kitten." He tell me in my ear, feeling his breathe on my neck had goose bumps down my spine. I then lightly whisper to him. "Yes." So that the others didn't hear are conversation.

Hearing this sent a massive smile on Hannibal's face, which makes me wonder why he would ask me that question. Especially in front of the others. I just look under my hair to see if anyone was listening to our conversation but they weren't, will if they were I couldn't tell which was a good thing.

After Hannibal had asked me that we carried on talking with the others but mostly just with each other. Once dinner had finished I put cookies lead on him to make sure that he does get lost with all the people around getting back into their cells.

Standing up along with all my patients I make sure that they are all there before turning to walk them so they can all get ready for bed. But as I go to start walking I feel someone take cookies lead out my hand and loop arms with me. When I look up I see Hannibal looking down at me with a smile on his face, "Let me walk you back okay kitten."

I look at him for a few seconds before nodding my head looking at him with a kind and thankful smile on my face before looking away from him and looking over my shoulder making sure that the others were still behind us before leading them all out.

As I lead each of them to their room they all either tell me goodnight or make a motion of sleeping before a thumbs up making me smile as even though they cant speak they still try to make every other under them.

The last person I had to take back was Hannibal, swiping my card to let the door open Hannibal starts to walk through but not before giving me cookies lead. Leaning down and saying. "Cookie you protect her alright." Hearing this makes me blush while cookie barks in approval, Hannibal looks at him with approval before standing up giving me a kiss on the cheek saying. "Goodnight kitten." Before walking into his cell closing the door behind him.

After I tell him goodnight back I start to walk to my room thinking of Hannibal and the fun things I want to do with the others. Once I am in my room I make sure to lock the door twice, once I have gotten ready for bed I turn the light off as cookie lays down on his bed shutting my eyes I think about Hannibal and if we will get any closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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