~chapter 2~

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Natalia's pov:

Harry opens another folder that he has and reads it out still in front of Norman's room. "Billy and Stu, their rooms have a glass window between them as when they got here they were violent towards the staff if they weren't together or seeing each other. Between them they have killed 10 people wearing a ghostface mask to hide their faces."

Harry then gives me their folder as we walk to the next room, where I can hear them talking and laughing with each other. Getting to one of their doors before Harry I don't even wait for them as I know that he will probably try and stop me from going in to I take the access card and quickly swipe it and close the door straight after me.

Hearing the talking and laughing stop behind me I turn and see Billy and Stu just looking at me so I smile and introduce myself. "Hi I'm Natalia and I'm going to be your new nurse." They both look at me as they get up from them sitting close to the glass so it is easier for them to have a conversation.

So I walk closer to the glass so Stu on the other side can still clearly talk to me. "Are you going to hang out with all of us?" Stu questions leaning against the glass as Billy does the same, both looking down at me. "Of course I'm going to hand out with all of you." I say still with a smile on my face.

Just as they are going to talk again we hear Harry bang on the door as he probably figured out where I went to. Billy and Stu just look down at me with silly smiles on their faces as Billy asks. "You ran away from him just to see us." I just nod with the same smile on my face. "I know that he doesn't want me going in any of the cells, but I've still got to meet the other patents." I say waving at both of them getting a wave in return and walk over to the door and lock it behind me.

I turn to look at Harry who just looks at me like he is going to give me a lecture but I beat him to it by saying. "So who is next I want to meet everyone before dinner." Snapping him out of him in shock. He opens the next file and says. "Jason Voorhees. He was drowned when he was young at a summer camp, resulting in his mother taking revenge by killing most of the camp counsellors. After she died Jason came back, killing anyone who came back to Camp Crystal Lake, most of the time with a machete most of the time. He's killed 157 people before being put in here."

After he has finished and handed me the folder I can't help but feel sorry for him as he shouldn't have been bullied and then drowned. Walk to catch up to where Harry has stopped. "Let me guess you still want to go in." Harry says once I have walked up to him making me nod happily, as he had finally figured it out. "You really care about them don't you." He says stopping me form swiping the card. I just turn around and say to him. "Yes because I have kind heart." and just open Jason's door closing it behind me.

As I turn to look at Jason I see him just laying on his bed. But when he sits up to get a better look at me. "Hello, my name is Natalia and I'm going to be your new nurse." I say to him but I know that he can't talk so I just say. "Your name is Jason right." Getting a nod in response.

Wanting to tell him how I feel I tell him. "I heard you had drowned I'm really sorry that had happened to you, I'm glad that you and you mother got revenge." After I have said this I see him take in my words before he stands up to his full height at about 6'5. As he is fully stood up and looks down into my eyes I see sadness in them.

I give him a sweet smile and reach up to barley gently brush my hand on the side of his mask, hearing Harry gasp outside but Jason doesn't seem to care. As my hand was still on his cheek he raises his hand to place it on top of mine, seeming to like the feeling of contact.

After awhile he takes his hand of mine so I move my hand of his cheek as he walks over to his desk, so I follow his to see what he wanted to show me. And I see designs for different masks. "Oh, Jason they are amazing." I say in shock of how much I like them. "I really like this one." I say pointing at one that has flowers on the side of the mask. Jason picks it up and looks at it for a few seconds and the hands it to me. "For me." I ask him just to make sure and he nods his head in a 'yes' motion.

"Thank you Jason I love it, but I've got to meet the others now, but I will see you at dinner okay." I say looking up at him to see him nod a little sad but still happy as he will get to see me at dinner. I walk over to the door and wave at Jason, who waved back, and walked out the door. Before Harry can look at the picture I put it in Jason's folder to put it on my wall later.

I walk down the hall a little bit before turning back to see Harry just looking at Jason's door. "Hurry up I've still got to meet people." Saying this snaps Harry out of whatever he was in, and he walks over to me opening another folder.

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