~chapter 5~

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Natalia's pov:

As I am putting away all of my clothes, I get to the last bag which has all of my puppy's things in it making me slightly sad as he isn't here yet.

Walking to the bag I get out his dog bed which when he sits in it, it is way to big for him but I bought him the biggest one so that I wont have to but him another one when he is older.

Putting his bed down by mine so that we can sleep next to each other and keep each other company in this new place.

Picking up all of his treats and putting them on the shelf by the door, high enough that I hope he wont get them but still so that I can reach them without having to get a stool. Putting them up I just think of how grateful I am as I was that they allowed me to bring my puppy.

Seeing that the last things in the bag was his dog toys, as his food wasn't in a bag and I put by the door by his bowls, I walk over to the bin that I got for his toys I just dump all of them in it then put the bag under my bed encase I ever need them.

Looking at the rose gold clock I put up, and I see that I have to get all of my patients in 3 minuets, I look down at my feet which don't have shoes on but just socks. Thinking for a couple of seconds if i should put any shoes on but I am interrupted by my phone ringing.

I pick it up from my bedside table to see that it is Harry. I side the answer button before putting it up to my ear. "Ah Natalia I know that you have to get your patients in a minuet but your puppy seems to have arrived." Harry tells me, making me almost squeal out in delight. "Okay thank you Harry I am coming to get him now." I tell him before hanging up.

I quickly pick up my handbag and his lead before racing out the door after looking it behind me, the thought of shoes not even in my mind anymore. Skipping down to the front lobby I stop when I see that he is just sat in this crate without anybody around. Once he see me he starts to bark happily at me while wagging his tail waiting for my to unlock him.

Opening his crate he quickly jumps out at me licking my face as I fall to the floor. "Okay okay stop we need to go and get my patients." I tell him which makes him stop making me smile as he is getting a hang of commands. "Good boy." I tell him patting his head, I was going to give him his treat now but I don't have time so I will just give it to him at dinner.

Clipping on his lead so that I can keep him form running off in this new place. Quickly walking to the section that my patients are in. Looking down at my watch to see that it is exactly 6pm, just as I get to Norman's room. Unlocking the door I see that Norman is already standing by the door. "Hello Norman you ready for dinner." I ask him once he is out of his room and we are walking to get the next patient.

"Ye-s I am." He responds as we get to Billy and Stu's room. "That's good." I tell him as I go to open their rooms. "Well hello beautiful." They both great me once they are out of their room, Hearing them call me that makes me blush a little so I put my head down hiding it from them.

Getting everybody out I unlock Hannibal's room last and he is standing in front of the door. "Good evening kitten." Hannibal tells me as he picks up the hand which I am holding my puppies lead with and kisses the back of my hand with.

As Hannibal does this the name gives me butterflies in my stomach and makes my face blush more then it already was. "Good evening as well Hannibal." I tell him as I lower my hand. But everyone that somehow hadn't seem my puppy look down at what I was holding wondering why I was holding a lead.

As they all look down they see my puppy Tiffany is the first to comment. "Aww he is so cute, what's his name?" Tiffany asks me making me pick him up as he gives me a lick on the face making me giggle, not noticing Hannibal staring at me with the look of love in his eyes.

"His name is Cookie." I tell them as I begin to walk to the front of the line again. "So are you ready for dinner." I ask all of them snapping them out of their shock, making them follow me to the canteen. I didn't notice Hannibal move to the front of the line so that he can be closer to me.

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