~chapter 3~

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Natalia's pov:

"Michael Myers, he had killed his older sister when he was a child. He stabbed her 17 times with a butcher knife. After that he was put into a mental asylum and after a couple of years he escaped and set out to kill his younger sister on Halloween. Though he didn't kill her he did kill 121 in her path."

Harry tells me this which doesn't shock me as I lived by the town this happened. But I couldn't help but ask. "Why did he do that, he must have had a reason." Turning to Harry hoping for an answer. "He hears these voices in his head that seem to almost command him, like with Jason he hears his mother who tell him to kill people who set foot in the camp he was killed in."

I listen to every word that he says wanting to know all about my patients so that I cam get along with all of them.

Standing in front of Michael's window cell I go to walk to the door but Harry grabs my arm to stop me. "I know that you want to meet them all face to face but I think you should stay out here for this one and the rest." I just look at him because I have told hi that I want to meet all of my patients face to face.

"No, I want to talk to him." I tell him again while trying not to roll my eyes at him because that is rude. "He's mute like Jason anyway so it wouldn't matter." Harry tries to reason with me but I am not hearing it.

So I look at Harry again to see what he will do, but he doesn't move so I go to Michael's door and use my keys to open the door. I close the door so Harry couldn't follow me in. When I turn around I see that Michael has turned around on his desk chair so he can look at me, probably to see who I am.

"Hi Michael I am Natalia your new nurse." I tell Michael looking at his face with a kind smile on my face. I slowly walk over to him so I could see what he was doing. "I know that you don't speak so you can write it in this if you want." I tell him while getting another note book out of my bag for him. I walk a little bit closer to him so I ca hand it to him.

Standing in front of him I hold out the notebook for him to grab in his own time, in which hid slowly reaches out his gloved hand to take it. Once he has it I take two little steps back so that he may feel more comfortable.

I watch as he turns back to his desk which has hand made masks, but unlike Jason these ones are actually made and are not on paper. Once I turn my attention back to Michael I see that he has picked up a pencil and is writing in the notebook that I just gave him. But I wnder why the other workers never gave Jason or Michael a notebook so that they can write to people as they don't speak.

I watch as Michael puts down the pencil and turns back to me and shows me what he wrote. 'hi Natalia please don't leave can I hug you?' Reading that just makes me know that no one has ever cared for these people in their lives, because maybe if people did care for them they wouldn't be so 'cold hearted' I just nod my head while saying. "Of course you can Michael." While opening my arms where I am so he knows that I'm not taking his trust for granted.

As Michael stands up I can tell that he is slightly taller then Jason. I just stand their with my arms open as he takes the 2 little steps that I took to give him space, which is not even a full step for him. Michael then wraps his arms around me while I do the same thing, just holding him close to give him comfort.

After a few minuets Michael moves his arms from around me making me do the same to respect him. "I will see you dinner okay Michael." I say looking at him which makes him nod his head before going to sit at his desk again. I walk out the door and just take the next folder out of Harry's hand gentle so that he won't argue with me as I really want to meet all of them face to face.

So I read the folder. 'Freddy Krueger, he goes into peoples dreams to kill them, he has a glove that has knives protruding from it as he refuses to take it off. He can read your mind whenever he wants to. He has killed more then 90 people that we know.' After I have read it I put it in my bag with the other folders.

Walking up to his door I open it with out Harry being near because I know that he is just going to try and stop me. Closing then door I hear someone move of the bed making me turn around with a smile on my face. "Hello Freddy I'm Natalia and I'm going to be your new nurse." I say looking at Freddy while he just continues to look at me.

"You know that Harry is going to be pissed at you right?" Freddy questions me so I nod still with a smile on my face. Freddy just chuckles while walking closer to me. Freddy leans down so that he is face to face with me but I don't move. "You really are too innocent." He says looking at my eyes making me pout. "No I'm not." I try and defend myself but Freddy just tells me.

"I can read minds you know doll." This just makes me pout even more. "Don't pout you still have 3 patients to meet before dinner." Hearing him say this makes a huge smile fall onto my face so I say goodbye to Freddy before waking out and lock the door to Harry has just left the other folders on the floor and is nowhere to be found making me shrug me shoulders before picking them up and opening the next one that has 2 patients in.

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