#1 - Jade Mountain Academy ❄

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Ugh, Winter thought. His wings felt numb. They had only been flying for a few hours, but it felt like days. "Icicle, can we rest? I am getting horrendously exhausted."

"I am beginning to understand why mother and father call you useless, Winter. Come on, just a few miles more and we will arrive in Idiotic Academy or whatever. Do you want me to throw that puny scavenger of yours into the ocean?" 


Hrmph. A few miles later, and I will be in the worst place ever. Full of messy, boastful, prideless dragons. And of course, Nightwings. I don't UNDERSTAND why Queen Glacier asked us to go there. He held his scavenger's cage tighter. He did not know why Bandit wouldn't eat anything he gave it. Meat, a random penguin's leg, leaves that had been thrown inside the cage were all going rotten. 

Winter reached inside the cage carefully and threw all the food out. He even found a wheel for the scavenger to play in, but Bandit never used it once.

Well, if he doesn't want to have fun, don't let him. 

After flying for more hours, he and Icicle finally reached Jade Mountain and went to a Nightwing that seemed to be telling everyone their schedule and stuff. A Nightwing. 

"Hello! I am Fatespeaker! You must be Icicle and Winter!"

"Yes," Icicle said, growling. 

"Well, Winter, you will be in the Jade Winglet with Moonwatcher, Qibli, Kinkajou, Umber, Turtle and Carnelian. Icicle, you will be in the Gold Winglet with Bigtail, Onyx, Tamarin, Sora, Pike and Flame. Have fun in Jade Mountain Academy!" Fatespeaker said enthusiastically. "Oh, here comes the next student. Take your map, you both! Winter, why don't you show her where your cave is? Moon is your clawmate."

Icicle scowled and went off to her cave.

Winter glanced at Moonwatcher, who looked shyly at her claws. She had teardrop scales near her eyes. A Nightwing. Probably a treacherous, horrible, liar like the others. SHE is my clawmate? What. The. Hell. Wow, she is so... beautiful. STOP thinking like this Winter, you idiot! What is she listening to?

"Hello, Nightwing. Lets get this over with."

Winter raised his talons and did a little gesture that showed her to follow him. Looking at the map, he felt really confused. What in the world is this? 

"Let me help you," said a clear voice behind him. Winter jumped. From the silence, he'd almost forgotten that the Nightwing was right behind him. Moon took the map from him. Wow, she's smart. Argh, she is probably pretending to be nice. She is obviously like the others! What is she listening to?

Winter snatched the map back from Moon. "I know where to go, thank you."

"You don't."

"I DO! Who do you think you are?"

"Moonwatcher," said Moon. "Come on, give the map or we will never get to our cave."


Winter followed Moon into the network of caves. Surprisingly, she knew where to go immediately. I thought Nightwings were brainless dragons. I guess she is different? Hmm..

They finally reached their cave and unpacked their things. Moon was staring at his scavenger the whole time. She probably thinks I am going to eat Bandit. Whatever.


She probably thinks I am going to eat Bandit. Whatever, said the icy voice in Winter's head.

Well, isn't he? And who is Bandit? The scavenger? Who names their food before eating them? Moon wondered. Wow. Winter... seems so shiny. His mind keeps going in different ways. Anyway, I should let the scavenger go from the cage. Should I?

Winter immediately went out of their cave. To escape from me, Moon thought, feeling hurt. Why am I feeling like this? 

"Hey!" a voice called out from the mouth of the cave. "I'm Qibli! Are you Moon? Where's Winter?"

"Yes. Winter's gone out." 

"Sure! I came to see the rest of the Jade Winglet!"


"Bye! Don't mind me asking, is that your scavenger?"

"No. It's Winter's... food? I am not sure."

"Alright, bye! See you in class! " said Qibli. Good grief, she looks amazing, Qibli thought. 

Do I? She'd heard similar thoughts in Winter's head, but he'd covered it up with hatred of Nightwings.

Before she could do anything else, a rainbow dragon bounced into the cave.


"Uuh, wrong cave?"

"NOPE! I am exploring each and every cave to see how everyone looks like! By the way, I am Kinkajou! A RAINWING! NOT ONLY A RAINWING, BUT QUEEN GLORY'S MOST TRUSTED FRIEND! She sent me here! I am so excited!"

WHOOOOHOOOOO! ME SO EXCITED! I AM GOING TO MAKE FRIENDS! HURRRAY! TODAY IS MY DAY! Kinkajou was thinking. Moon almost had to cover her ears. 

"Uhm, who's your clawmate?"

"My clawmate? I am preeetty sure its Carnelian, the grumpy Skywing. When I tried to talk to her, she just ignored me! How rude! I will probably have to report her to Queen Glory! How about yours?"


"WoW! Awesome blossom! I heard he is a prince! He is so handsome, right?" Kinkajou winked.

To be honest, she did think that was true. "What's the first lesson today?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, today there won't be any lessons! Just a Get To Know Your Winglet session at the end of the day. Tomorrow, the real lessons start!"

Hello, Moonwatcher, said a voice.

She looked around. There was no one else in the cave but her and Kinkajou. 

"Did you hear that?" she told Kinkajou.

"Hear what?" Kinkajou whispered.


"Hmm, sure. By the way, is there any chance you have some mangoes that are extra sweet?"



"Do you mind me sleeping here today? I don't dare to sleep near, uhm, Carnelian. I've a feeling she hates Rainwings." And that she is going to explode the cave and throw an eggplant, or even worse a dull green durian at me!

"Well, I'm fine with that, but I'm not sure about Winter."

Who are you?  Moonwatcher said in her mind.

I don't know. I need you to help me. 

How do you not know?



#2 - Get To Know Your Winglet 🐫

Guess who's POV it is-

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