#2 - Get To Know Your Winglet 🐪

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(Edit: Looking back on this, I was so unfair to Qibli lol. He's not cruel, I shouldn't have changed him. I might make a new book like this though)

Stepping out of the cave, Qibli thought about Moonwatcher, the Nightwing he just met. She is AMAZINGLY beautiful, I wonder if she wants to be friends with me! He glanced sideways and saw a shade of blue. Hm, that must be Prince Winter... Wait a second? Isn't he Moon's clawmate? I wish I was him-

"Move out of my way, Sandwing," an Icewing growled. Qibli inspected the Icewing, it was Winter. A sting of jealousy flowed through him.

"Sorry, no," Qibli said. "Cool down, oh wait. You already are cool, ice-eater."


"Have you seen Moon?" Qibli asked. He just wanted to see Winter's reaction.

"Yes, she's in my stupid cave. What do you need?" Pretty obvious from his face he likes Moon, Qibli thought.

"Oh, none of your business. Or is being nosy your business? Probably," Qibli replied.

Winter took a deep breath and shoved Qibli away.

"OW! I'm reporting you!" He began to feel better. Why would Moon like this horrible, ugly, rude Icewing? Ha! Take that!

He walked back to his own cave where Turtle and Umber were. "Hello Qibli! Where were you going?" Umber asked, looking up. 

"I was uh, doing stuff. Anyway, I have to write a message to Queen Thorn."

Turtle simply just stayed quiet. 

He started writing his letter.

Dear Queen Thorn,

Today was great! Thanks for sending me to Jade Mountain Academy! I already found a friend (Her name is Moonwatcher) and I have something to report. Someone called Prince Winter (an Icewing) keeps bugging me. Just now, he shoved me away just to get me out of his way! Please inform Queen Glacier!



Alright. It was a bit of a lie, but as long as Winter got into trouble, he did not care. 


That night,

Clay, Sunny and Tsunami gathered everyone into different rooms according to their Winglets. 

Qibli made sure to sit directly next to Moonwatcher and to his annoyance, Winter was right next to HIM. By now, his jealousy cooled down a bit. At least he isn't next to Moon. 

"Hello! Now, we will let each of you to introduce yourselves. Sadly, Turtle will not be joining, he informed us that he felt sick. Carnelian, you may start first," Sunny said cheerfully. 

Carnelian grumbled, "I am Carnelian. I am 4 years old. I learn at Jade Mountain Academy. An extremely fun fact about me: My name starts with C and ends with a N."

"Uhm, sure! Great job with your wonderful introduction! Now next will be Moon."

"M-my name is Moonwatcher. I lived at the rainforest with my mum as a dragonet. I uuh, am 4 years old too. I like to read scrolls, my favourite place is the library."

Hmm, if she likes scrolls, perhaps I should give scrolls to her.

He saw Moon wince. What happened? Was it something someone said?

"Great! Now, Umber, please introduce yourself."

"I am Umber..." he began but Qibli did not pay attention to the rest of the speech as he was thinking about Moon.

"Next, Qibli, shoot away!" Sunny said. Qibli did not realize she was calling him, until she raised her voice. "Qibli, hello?" Oh, great. A bad impression in front of Moon. I will make it up by giving the best introduction of all of them.

"Hello, everyone, I am Qibli and I am allergic to the cold (directed to Winter) . Well, I like eating scorpions, especially fried. I also liked watching the moon in the desert (directed to Moon), even much more than the sun. Too bright, reminds me of yellow snow and like I said, I'm allergic to anything that's cold. I like making jokes, Queen Thorn is very proud of me. I also like reading scrolls!" 

Winter glared at him.

"Okay... Next, Kinkajou!" Sunny smiled.

"Oo, at last! I was feeling extremely jumpy as I couldn't talk, until now! YEET! My name is Kinkajou, and I am Queen Glory's MOST TRUSTED Rainwing, how about that? Anyways, I LOVE LOVE LOVE strawberries and I equally LOVE LOVE LOVE grapes, bananas, apples, oranges, and SO MANY MORE! Should I name them?"

"Uhm, no thanks my dear! You can go on with your introduction!"

"OKAY! SO- WHERE WAS I? Never mind! I love suntime, my favourite animals are turtles, they are so rare, and my favourite color, green (Turtlejou)! and I like to sleep, talk and eat fruits! And staring at Turtle! I mean turtles!"

"Awesome! Now, Winter, you may introduce yourself."

Ha! Who can top my speech now! I bet he can't!

"Hi, I am prince Winter of the Icewings, nephew of the Majestic Queen Glacier and don't you forget it. I like hunting, combating, and, looking at- ahem, inVEStigating the characteristics and compelling lives of scavengers."


Was it just him, or was Moon moving away bit by bit from him every minute?

"Awesome! Now, there is no one left to introduce themselves. You may go back to your cave with your clawmate! Remember, if you have any questions about the schedule, be sure to inform us!" 

Qibli walked out of the cave and went back to his own cave. 


Moon wasn't sure if she liked Qibli at all now. Having heard his thoughts, he seemed like a mean dragon. At least Winter wasn't a dragon who was jealous at anyone or had bad thoughts. Well, he HAD mean thoughts sometimes, but it was mostly about Nightwings. 

The second she tried to stand up, she felt a throbbing pain in her head. 

Moonwatcher. A firm voice said.

She fell...

and fell..

and fell..

into the darkness.

(907 words!)

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