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Jack had opened his eyes- where was he? How did he even get there? Last he remembered, he was leaning on a tree and then everything went black.

"Hey, he's awake" a voice said-it sounded- fake American? Real American? Faint Irish? He couldn't tell for sure- especially after just getting up after a blackout like that... yeesh. A figure came into view as Jack's vision cleared up- . It was Chase, the accent confusion made sense now. Another figure came into view- Doctor. Henrik von Schneeplestein. "He still looks almost dead inside," Chase said- looking at the Doctor. Jack sat up a bit, and then he realized- he didn't have a shirt on. "Uhh, guys," Jack said- looking up and catching the attention of the other two men. "Vwell, he's awake enough to be aware of his surroundings, or at least vimself," Henrik said. "Oh- yeah, you may want one of these extras," Chase said- pulling a shirt out of thin air, and throwing it at Jack.

"Uhh, thanks? But, where is my shirt?" Jack asked as he put the shirt on.

"Oh, it got ripped off while escaping Anti- he was already pretty mad as he couldn't use us for his plans," Chase said- giggling a little bit at that last point.

"Uh, Chase, vhy did you laugh at that vlast part?" Henrik asked a little concerned for his good friend.

"Uhh, wait wait wait. You were up against Anti?" Jack asked, surprised.

"Well, we had to get you back somehow so he wouldn't kill you," Chase said- crouching in order to be face to face with Jack- tilting his head a bit.

"Well- yeah but- did you just-" Jack started but got interrupted-

"No, I fought him- it's not like he actually hit me with the knife- and even if he did it probably wouldn't hurt much," Chase said a bit too cheerfully for the situation.

"Uh-right," Jack said- laughing nervously

"Hey, vuh, Chase- vwe may need to talk," Henrik said- pulling Chase over to the side...

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