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Mark, Jack, and Ethan managed to sneak out of the cabin thanks to Dark distracting Anti.

"Pink," Ethan said as soon as they were out. "What?" Jack and Mark both looked at Ethan as if he was crazy- then Jack saw it "Oh, Mark, your hair," "What about my hair?" Mark asked- his voice going a bit in the higher pitches. "It turned pink," Jack explained. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me," Mark said- hoping it was a joke. "Nope," Ethan said- and then he tripped over a branch. "Are you okay?" Mark asked as soon as Ethan's face wasn't planted in the ground. "Ah- I- I think so," Ethan said while getting up. He looked up at Mark, whose face was as red as a rose. "Uhh- Mark? You okay?" Ethan asked. Mark snapped out of it "wha- huh? Yeah, I'm good sorry," he said as they continued to walk back to the portal that led them back to the main desktop screen.

"So, Jack, any idea on how to get out?" Ethan asked. "Wh- How would I know how to get out?" Jack questioned in response. "Well you were kidnapped by Anti," Ethan explained "so I figured he might have said where the exit was or something," "Wait- how do you know it was Anti who kidnapped him? What if it was Dark or Blank or somebody like that?" Mark asked Ethan. "Well, at the time of Jack being kidnapped Dark and Blank were working with Anti- and I assume that the other egos were under their order," Ethan explained. "I didn't expect you to have an actual answer," Mark said, a bit stunned. "That's what you get for assuming," Jack piped in.


They had sat and paced around for a few minutes. "What if we restart the computer?" Ethan asked. "Yeah- and it possibly kill us?" Mark responded. "Well, do you have a better idea?" Ethan asked- defending his idea. Mark stayed silent. "But- should we really risk it? Jack asked, "I mean- couldn't one of you just ask Blank or Dark to let us out?"

"Pch- Dark hates my guts, and I'm sure Blank hates Ethan's- so I doubt they'd let us out," Mark scoffed. "Okay but, we're probably dead in the real world- so we should just try everything until something works, right?" Ethan said- ignoring Mark's comment. "I mean yeah but- wait, dead?" Jack said- after fully processing what Ethan said "I mean, yeah, we have no clue what's happening out in the real world" Ethan said. "Okay, fair point, but dead??" Jack asked- raising his voice at the end. Mark opened a web browser, and looked up "jacksepticeye dead" and sure enough, there were a couple of news articles "huh, I guess we aren't technically dead- but we are missing," Mark said after reading a little bit of one of the articles. "Oh, we could very much be technically dead and they just haven't found our bodies yet- therefore they cannot officially pronounce us dead," Ethan explained

"Well, jeez man, no need to be that deep about it," Mark said, a bit put off by Ethan's calm attitude towards the fact that they could all be dead "I'm not being deep about it, I'm just being brutally honest," Ethan said shrugging. "But you're Unus, I'm Annus" Mark joked. "No, pretty sure I'm Ethan, and you're Mark- but nice try" Ethan joked back. Jack just sat there while the other two ended up rambling about Unus Annus and cracking jokes. Jack decided to continue reading the article that Mark had opened. "Hm, seems we all disappeared around the same time," he remarked to himself. "Well yeah, obviously- we all showed up here at the same time," Mark said. Jack looked at Mark and asked, "Was I talking to you?" "Did you specify who you were talking to?" Mark retorted back. Jack just gave him a glare and went back to reading.

"Hey, did you guys know this article is from a few days ago?" jack asked after reading for a few more minutes. "I'm surprised they haven't just pronounced us dead by now," Ethan said. "Will you stop with the whole 'oh we're dead' thing? We're not dead" Mark said to Ethan. "We very much could be dead Mark- you don't know where our bodies are in the real world," Ethan explained. "How would we be dead if we're here?" Mark asked, trying to prove Ethan wrong. "The afterlife? I dunno" Ethan said while staring Mark dead in the eyes. "Isn't that supposed to be like paradise though? Because this- is the exact opposite of that." Mark opposed. "Whatever, masochist." Ethan said and turned his back to Mark. "wha- I"m not a masochist!" Mark exclaimed. "Ah, the first stage of grief- denial," Ethan said in a more serious tone, even though he was completely joking. "Will you shut up? It's not funny anymore, that joke is like, outdated now" Mark said "Anger" Ethan continued, trying to keep himself from laughing. "Ethan, I swear to god-" Mark started but got interrupted by Ethan's laughter. Jack looked over "what's so funny?" he asked. "Nothing," Mark said " but this little bitch decided it'd be funny to joke about me being a masochist when I clearly am not," Mark said. "Okay but, it is pretty funny to joke about it," Jack said. "Fuck off" Mark grumbled and sat down

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