Day 8. Inferno

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"I can't do it!" - Ezra tried his best to let a stream of fire out of his mouth, but the only thing he managed to achieve was a light haze.

"There is no fire in you yet, Ezra" - Owain laughed slightly, receiving a withering look from Ezra.

Elodie stepped between the boys, nipping the argument in the bud.

"That's enough! Owain, stop teasing Ezra. You know he's trying" - Elodie looked at the boy reproachfully.


Owain just shrugged and left the classroom.

"Stop doing that. I can take care of myself" - Ezra said irritably, but then sighed when he saw the upset expression on his friend's face. - "But thanks anyway" - he muttered.

"I'm sure you'll be able to do it soon. You'll see" - Elodie smiled encouragingly. - "But you have no equal in other Arts".

The corner of Ezra's mouth twitched in a slight half-smile. He liked Elodie's optimism, even though it was sometimes a little ridiculous on her part.

"Perhaps Inferno will be the only Art that I will not master. At least in the near future" - he said dejectedly.

"Oh, Ezra, please, I can't stand this miserable expression on your face" - Elodie grabbed his arm and led him to the exit. - "Let's go get some air".

Who was Ezra to refuse.


"Next week there will be a festive evening at Proudfoot House. How about we have some fun?" - Elodie stared at him enigmatically.

"Are you suggesting we sneak into the party?" - Ezra raised an eyebrow mockingly. Usually he was the one who offered crazy ideas, and now he was a little surprised by the change of roles. Although he knew perfectly well that Elodie just wanted to distract him from his dark thoughts.

"Why not, as a matter of fact?" - she shrugged her shoulders in mock indifference.

"Well... since you insist..."

"Hey, guys, what are you doing all alone here?"

Ezra and Elodie both turned at the sound of the voice. Ezra frowned at the sight of a man walking towards them alone. And judging by his not quite confident gait, he was drunk. Ezra looked around and realized that they were all alone here. It seemed that the park was simply extinct.

"Don't answer" - Ezra said sternly and took Elodie by the hand to lead her away from here. Elodie didn't resist.

Ezra couldn't figure out how the man got near them in a matter of seconds. But here he was standing a few meters away from them, and now he grabbed Elodie by the wrist and pulled on himself.

The jerk was so strong and unexpected that Ezra could not hold Elodie and his hand let go of her, and he himself fell to the ground.

"Hey, let me go now!" - Elodie tried to kick him, but the man only tightened his grip, and she hissed in pain.

"Don't move! If you try to move a muscle, I'll hurt you!" - the man's mouth turned into an evil grin.

An indomitable wave of anger began to rise inside Ezra.

"Let her go now!" - he rushed at the man. He completely forgot that he could use The Wundrous Arts. At the moment, all he could think about was that this bastard was hurting his friend.

The man pushed Ezra away with a slight movement, who flew into the trunk of a tree. A small column of blood flowed from his nose.

Elodie tried to sing a few verses, but she couldn't concentrate because of the pain.

Ezra gritted his teeth. He was filled with rage. He felt like his chest was on fire. This has never happened before. Ezra rose abruptly to his feet, his eyes blazing.

He really looked intimidating, so even not only the man, but also Elodie, took a step back, eyes wide open.

At that moment Ezra knew exactly what to do with this fire inside himself. A moment later, a jet of fire shot out of his mouth. He tried to direct it only in the direction of the attacker so as not to hurt Elodie. The man managed to jump back in time, and the fire only partially singed his beard.

Elodie, once free, immediately ran away from him as far as possible. She looked at Ezra, who, apparently, was not going to let the man go so easily.

"Ezra, that's enough! Stop it! You've already scared him!" - Elodie tried to reach out to her friend.

"He hurt you! And he has to pay for it!" - Ezra said, not taking his eyes off the man. His eyes lit up brighter.

"Yes, and he's already paid for it! It doesn't hurt anymore! See? Stop it, Ezra, please! Let him go! Let him get out of here!" - Elodie's voice broke a little, and she sniffed. She was getting really scared. She was worried about Ezra, and even for this scoundrel.

Ezra frowned and shook his head. He felt uneasy when he heard Elodie's voice falter. He didn't want her to be afraid. He wanted to protect her, and he already did. Now he needed to calm down.

Ezra took a couple of breaths and the fire disappeared from his eyes disappeared. He looked at Elodie a little absently.

"Yes, you're right" - he said softly. - "I'm sorry, I do not know what came over me" - he turned back to the man and, raising his voice, said sharply. - "Get out of here! And don't you dare step in here again! And stay away from us! Get lost!"

The man quickly nodded his head, opening and closing his mouth, but without uttering a single word, and rushed away as fast as he could.

Ezra watched the scoundrel walk away. He was trembling slightly.

"Inferno" - he muttered. - "I almost killed him".

Elodie slowly approached him and gently put her hands on his shoulders.

"But you didn't. You saved me" - she said softly.

"And scared the hell out of you" - Ezra stubbornly refused to look at her.

"Of course you scared me!" - she snorted. - "You should have seen yourself! You looked surprisingly intimidating and strong! I was afraid that you got carried away and that you would hurt not only that jerk, but also yourself. Seeing you like this was very unusual, but I would never have been able to be afraid of you. For you, yes, but never of you. So don't get your hopes up".

Then Ezra did something Elodie never expected him to do. He hugged her. Elodie was taken aback, because Ezra was not one of those who openly shows emotions and makes contact.

"I'm sorry anyway" - he muttered into the top of her head.

"You have nothing to apologize for, and I have nothing to forgive you for" - she said softly and soothingly.

"Thank you".

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