Day 10. Favourite antagonist

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Ezra looked with disgust, but at the same time with some curiosity, at the guests gathered in the luxuriously decorated hall. They were all smartly dressed, just like in Nevermoor, so they shouldn't have caused him dislike, but... that was the difference - it wasn't Nevermoor, and the realization of this only made it worse, so it was better not to think about it at all.

"I thought you weren't coming, Mr. Squall".

Ezra's fists clenched until the knuckles turned white. But he tried to pull himself together. He shouldn't have shown weakness to anyone, especially this person.

"How could I miss such an event?" - Ezra tried to give Maud one of his best smiles, at the same time restraining himself from wringing her neck with all his might. In the end, the guests clearly did not take their eyes off them, although they tried hard to hide it. Ezra needed to save face. He was taught this as a child. - "Especially when I received an invitation directly from you" - he tilted his head slightly to one side, carefully pretending deep respect and appreciation. He was always a good actor.

Maud smiled broadly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She was obviously enjoying the whole thing immensely. Maud put a glass of champagne on the tray of the waiter who had just come up, as if he knew exactly what she was going to do. At that moment, music started playing in the hall, and the center of the hall began to fill with a lot of couples going to dance.

"Would you do me the honor?" - Maud made an inviting gesture.

Ezra glared at her, but accepted the invitation.

The guests followed them with their gaze.

"What kind of performance are you putting on here?" - he hissed through his teeth as soon as they were on the dance floor. - "I think I've made it clear that I don't want anything to do with you, so don't expect any help from me".

Maud clicked her tongue.

"I thought you are smarter, Mr. Squall. Do you even realize what kind of situation you are in?" - she looked at him in mock sympathy. - "You are now all alone, far from home in a completely unfamiliar state. Here people don't know who the Wundersmiths are, here even wunder is not perceived as something special. So I do not advise you to openly use your abilities. This could end badly. And it will end badly, believe me" - the last words were pronounced a little harder than the previous ones.

Ezra let out a chuckle.

"Sounds like a threat".

"Do not even doubt it".

Ezra's gaze darkened.

"Name at least one good reason why I should help you. You destroyed everything that was dear to me. You're the one who made my life go downhill. Now tell me, why did you decide that after all this I would cooperate with you?"

"Oh, Ezra, I'm afraid you just don't have a choice" - Maud sighed. - "Besides, maybe I slightly contributed to everything that happened, but after all, the Wundersmiths themselves easily did it all. I didn't even have to strain myself" - Ezra shuddered slightly at these words, for which he scolded himself. - "You can count them as your friends, family and whoever you want - it's up to you - but we both know the truth, don't we?" - Maud looked at him significantly and, without receiving any reaction, continued. - "Now you need to build your life from scratch. I can watch from the sidelines as you try with all your might to get back on your feet. We both understand that success is unlikely here, because what do you can besides your cheap tricks, especially when you don't know how everything works here?"

"People are essentially the same everywhere".

"I agree with you here, but one word from me will be enough, and you will have to do everything all over again. But you have an alternative. You can accept my terms and work with me. I will give you everything you want, and in return I only need your loyalty. You've got nothing to lose anyway, Ezra. You've made that perfectly clear yourself. So what's your answer?"

Ezra remained stubbornly silent, glaring at Maud. He wanted to just take and strangle her right here, in front of everyone, or burn her. It would have looked more impressive, but he restrained himself.

The music stopped.

"You are silent... But I didn't get a refusal this time either. So I'll give you three days to think about it" - Maud bowed slightly. - "Although I suppose I already know the answer. You know where to find me. Don't let me down, Ezra" - with these words, she turned around and left without giving him a single glance.

Ezra watched her go, jaw clenched and hating himself for his weakness.

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