Chapter 14

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The dagger zips through the air, landing a perfect bullseye on the target.

"Yes!" I yell, punching the air.

"Nice shot." Faye holds out another dagger towards me. "Do it again."

"You're almost as strict as Alex." I grumble, accepting the dagger.

"Almost? Darling, you wound me." She clutches her chest and hangs her head.

I jab an elbow into her arm, before hurling the blade. It sinks into the wood with anther bullseye. I whip round, smirking. "My words aren't what you should be worried about."

"When you're finished in the Dark Realm, come and work with me here. You're well-suited for the job, threats and all." She tosses a third dagger into the air. I catch it by its hilt. "And your training has worked wonders."

"Are you even allowed to employ anyone?" My eyes narrow.

Faye's eyes roll. "I'm sure the police wouldn't object, especially since they've gone to all this trouble to train you."

"Crime fighting..." I spin the dagger deftly between my fingers, deciding on my next words carefully. "It simply doesn't fit when I picture my future. You have a good thing going here, but a life of deception and danger could never be a full-time thing for me."

"You," Faye points her last dagger towards me. "Need more excitement in your life than a boring restaurant."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I hear a plink as Faye's dagger sinks into the wooden target. I don't look where it landed, focusing instead on my friend.

"Follow your dreams, Kora. If you don't want to live in the shadows, then chase the spotlight."

"You know I tried that..."

Faye snorts. "Don't tell me you're giving up that easily. Eighteen years of dreaming down the drain all because of one little mishap."

"I haven't given up on music." I retort defensively.

"No, but you've given up on the stage."

"I became a laughing stock on national TV."

"Because you were sabotaged." Faye nimbly removes the dagger from my hand, setting it down on a nearby shelf. She takes my hands in hers. "Because everyone knew you were the best musician there. Because no one else stood a chance against you."

"That doesn't change the fact that I tripped and landed flat on my face. My guitar smashed, I knocked part of the set over, and in my shock, I forgot the words to the song. It was a disaster, Faye. I ran off the stage humiliated. No music producer who saw that would take me seriously, and I challenge you to find any music producer who doesn't watch the biggest music talent competition on TV."

"Point taken. But people who get their fifteen minutes of fame are easily forgotten. If you auditioned for a music producer now, nearly a year later, they wouldn't recognise you from the show."

"And when the clip resurfaces?"

"You'll have already proven your worth by then."

"I don't know..."

"Girl," She waltzes over to her desk and plops herself on top of it. "I can't tell you what to do with your life, but I do know you, and I know that normal doesn't suit you. Go on your grand adventure and take the time to decide what your future holds."

"Is this the real ulterior motive behind sending me on this mission?"

"Maybe." She replies coyly.

I open my mouth to throw another retort, but a familiar voice rings in my ear.


"Alex?" My hand flies up to my ear. We've spoken through the earpieces numerous times now, but I still cannot get used to it. Alex's voice sounds as clear as if they were beside me, even though I know Faye and I are alone.

Faye tilts her head, eyes narrowing, but she keeps her mouth shut.

Alex continues. "We've managed to track down where the flute is being kept. We have confirmed that it's on display in a town hall in Taura. We strongly believe the dark-siders are planning to auction it off, so we want you to retrieve it before the auction takes place."

I shake my head, even though Alex can't see. "But I'm not ready yet."

"Meet me at the police station and we'll discuss it. How soon can you be here?"

I sigh, meeting Faye's gaze. "Give me ten minutes. And I have Faye with me, is she allowed at this meeting?"

"I'm afraid not. You can tell her what you're doing, but the details we'll discuss this afternoon are classified."

"Alright. I understand."

"Great. See you soon."


"What's going on?" Faye demands.

"They've found the flute. Alex wants me to meet them in the police station." I explain.


"Now." I confirm.

Faye whistles. "So this is it, then? The real deal."

"I don't know if I..." I notice my friend's fingers twitching where her hand rests on the desk. Something shifts in the air. My hand snatches up to grab the hilt of a dagger levitating beside my neck.

"You're ready." She releases her magic on the dagger. I set it back down behind me.

"I'm still learning combat though. If I run into trouble..."

"You use your brains. Acting and planning. They're the skills that got you this job in the first place."


"Go." She insists. "Retrieve that stolen flute and learn something on the way."

"I hate you." I say, pushing away from the shelves.

"I hate you too." Faye closes the distance between us, crushing me in her embrace. "Whatever happens, just come back safe." She murmurs.

"I'll try."

"You'll do better than try."

I pull back, and my friend reluctantly releases me. I turn to leave, but Faye stops me.

"Wait! There's something I want to give you." She rushes back to her desk, scrambling around in one of the drawers. "Something I've been saving."

She pulls out a box and hands it over to me. I open it, revealing twin bracelets inside. One jade and one lilac, but otherwise identical. The woven bracelets are each threaded with three silver beads. Each bead is engraved with a different design. A dagger. A dove. And a music note.

"One to remember me, one to remember you, and one to remember home." She explains.

"They're beautiful. They remind me of the friendship bracelets we made for each other when we were kids."

"That's exactly what they're modelled after. I had a jeweller make them a few weeks ago."

"Thank you. But why save them for now?"

"Humans like to believe in lucky charms. I know it's stupid and luck is in fate's hands rather than ours, but I'd like to think the sentiment at least brings you some comfort, even if there's no real magic."

"Aww. Are you getting all sappy on me?" I tease.

"Mention this conversation to anyone and I'll slip syrup into your shampoo." Faye grits out, but her grin betrays the empty threat.

I laugh, holding my arm out. Faye clasps the lilac bracelet around my wrist. I repeat the gesture for her, fastening the jade bracelet around her.

"Alex will be expecting you." She reminds me, ruining the moment.

"I know." I turn once more to walk away, but this time Faye gives me a shove. I stumble forward, catching myself before I fall. I steady myself, my friend's laughter a melody behind me. I hold my middle finger up behind me. Faye's laughter only grows louder. I might be heading into danger, but I leave her shop with a wide smile on my face.

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