Chapter 27

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I don't know what to say. I'm too tired and hungover to deal with this, but Ayden doesn't seem to care. He steps towards me. I take a step back. He backs me up into Selene's room once more.

"Nothing to say?"

"Ayden." Selene mumbles. He stalks towards her instead, giving me a reprieve from his dark mood. "So nice of you to join us."

I notice the steak knife I grabbed last night discarded on the floor. While Ayden is distracted, I take the opportunity to covertly retrieve it.

He crouches beside her. "First, you got annoyed at me for being drunk. Second, you stole my dinner guest from me. Third, you stole alcohol from me and got drunk yourself."

She props herself up by her elbows. "You were drowning your sorrows alone. I was having fun with a friend. I assume you understand the concept of fun, yes?" She smirks.



Ayden is silent for a few seconds. "Warren!" He yells sharply. The man who came to my room on the first night to retrieve me for dinner appears in the doorway.

"Escort Kora back to her room and get her some breakfast. I'll be there soon to deal with her."

"Yes, Your Grace."

I allow Warren to take me by the arm and lead me away. Putting up a fight would achieve nothing, but breakfast is a good sign, right? And I can't be in too much trouble if I'm staying out of the dungeons. To my luck, the princess seems to be getting the brunt of Ayden's wrath.

"I know what you're doing." I hear Ayden hiss to Selene as I'm walking away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She replies.

"Just remember: you asked for this."

A snarl is quickly followed by the sound of something hitting flesh. Growls and heavy thumps echo down the corridor. I thought the brewing fight would involve a lot of yelling, but it sounds very physical instead. It's a brutal brawl I wouldn't want to be part of.

Despite my gnawing hate, I'm grateful to Ayden for sending me away. He was getting me to safety, regardless of any other potential ulterior motives.

Warren leaves me in my room. He returns a few minutes later carrying a steaming plate of cooked breakfast and a large glass of orange juice on a tray. I thank him as he sets it down on my desk. My new weapon is safely tucked inside the bottom drawer. He leaves without a word.

I can still hear the siblings' fight while I'm eating. It continues for over ten minutes before my ears get a break. But the sudden silence dredges up feelings of dread for when Ayden comes here. I have no appetite for a brawl. I don't even have the voice for a screaming match right now. I push my plate away and stare out the window.

The door creaks open. I don't move.

"So, you actually managed to succeed in stealing from me." Ayden states frostily.

"You're the one who locked me in your house and gave me the freedom to..."

"Do you want to end up in back in the dungeons? Because I can assure you, my hospitality is a privilege you haven't earnt, and I'm beginning to rethink whether you're worthy of such a gift."

That shuts me up. I twist round in my seat. The sight I'm greeted with is a shock. Ayden's clothing is ripped in places, exposing bruises and blood that's still drying. His blond hair is dishevelled and matted. His nose is crooked and quite possibly broken. Blood gleams around his split lip.

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