Chapter 28

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I wake at dawn the next day feeling a whole lot better. I've managed to sleep off the hangover and escape another dinner with Ayden. That's a win-win for me. Especially since I plan to avoid Ayden for as long as possible.

I push myself out of bed, checking the drawer in my nightstand. A smile graces my face when I see the knife still hidden there. I shower and dress, before wandering out into the corridor.

I'm greeted by the unwelcome sight of Asher. I glare at him. Even if he was following orders, he still played a role in what happened to Eleanora.

He smirks. "Good morning. Did you sleep well last night?"

So much for my good mood. I stalk down the corridor, flipping him the middle finger behind my back. His laughter sours my mood further. My hands curl into fists. The temptation to punch him is overwhelming right now.

My step falters. I don't usually have an urge for violence, but that's twice now within 24 hours. I continue walking to feign normality, but my thoughts tumble and churn.

Yesterday was the first time I've truly witnessed the darkness inside Ayden. I've seen hints at it in the past few days. But seeing the monster beneath his flesh has brought visceral reactions to the surface.

Is being in the dark realm starting to affect me? Surely it's far too soon to even contemplate that; it's only been a few days. And I'm getting mad over someone being hurt, so it's not like these urges are mean or evil. This is just me, not some corruption.

But this is a side of me I've never met before. A darker side of me. And that's a scary truth to acknowledge. Who am I? I thought I knew myself, but is that true anymore? Is being surrounded by dark-siders going to nurture this darkness inside me?

"Don't come inside." I growl when I reach my destination.

The door swings shut behind me. I hope it hits Asher in the face.

I sit down at the piano. I play.

My fingers sing a song of darkness and despair. They dance across the black and white keys chasing dissonant notes. Anger and confusion pour into the air, but it's sorrow that melts down my ears.

My mind, heart, and soul war with each other for a chance to share their stories. My troubled mind reminds me of the danger all around. My disappointed heart mourns the loss of the man I met back in Lyria. But my defiant soul sings the loudest.

Its song is a living thing that breaths warmth against my flesh. Beauty flourishes. Strength surges. Power emerges.

Chaos rises as my eyes fall shut. Instinct guides the changeable melody in a perfect storm.

Let your voice be heard, it urges me.

Part your lips and breath out your honesty.

Become the music.

So I sing.

My words are fragile. Spoken pieces of glass that can shatter or illuminate.

Each verse my heart writes is a fragment of different song. Different melodies. Different emotions. But each one rolls into the next with seamless fluidity.

I am not your game,

I will win today,

I will take you crown,

You will fall to me.

I will fly,

I will soar,

I will hate you forevermore.

Birds don't fly in the dark woods.

People avoid them at all costs.

They say don't cry.

They say don't scream.

When the branches attack and the monsters feast.

You can try to keep me prisoner,

But I will not be caged.

You can try to silence my voice,

But I will sing again.

You can try to wear me down,

But I will not be broken.

Someday, I will be free.

Someday, I will be home.

You will not stop me.

You will not stop me.

My voice breaks on the last word.

My fingers still. Drawing out the final note before slipping off the keys.

A harsh silence fills the room.

My stomach growls. Apparently, I have been neglecting food, and my body isn't happy about it. I sigh and step away from the piano.

Asher whistles when I walk out the room. "I bet your screams would make beautiful music."

I stop. "I beg your pardon?"

He chuckles. "You'll be begging the Lord when he grows tired of caring for his new pet. He'll march you back down to the dungeons and the rest of us will get to enjoy your pretty screams."

I rely on all my training to stay composed, even though terror runs through my blood. I don't expect it to be easy to earn my freedom from Ayden, but he won't tire of me in the meantime, will he?

"I'm not sure he would agree with you about that."

"Face it. You don't belong here. You know it. I know it. Even the Lord knows it. You won't survive until the end of the year." My stomach chooses this exact moment to grumble again. Loudly. Asher's lips curl savagely. "Don't worry, we'll fatten you up first. The ones with meat on their bones always last longer, and we don't want to kill you before we've had our fun."

"I'm not interested in your brand of fun." I retort, crossing my arms.

"Open your eyes. You're a kitten in a den full of lions. Whether we're leaving you be or eating you alive, you're at our mercy."

"Last time I checked, you're at Ayden's mercy too." Eleanora's battered back flashes before my eyes. "You can't threaten me."

"You misunderstand me. I'm not threatening you personally. These threats are all on behalf of the Lord. You called him a monster yesterday, but that was only a warmup. You'll be the main event."

My stomach groans again. Choosing to ignore the brutish guard, I stride down the corridor, heading towards the kitchens. I fancy a large plate of croissants and jam to cheer me up.

"You're right. Torture is a dish best served after breakfast." Asher's footsteps are obnoxiously loud as they trail after me.

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