Chapter 21A

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Author's notes (repeated from the last chapter):

This is a trigger warning for the rest of the story. This is a DARK romance. Now that you know the plot twist, I should warn you that Ayden is still the main love interest. I wouldn't quite consider it Stockholm syndrome since the attraction existed long before this scene, but there is definitely something questionable occurring. Kora spends a lot of time with conflicted emotions between attraction and hatred, and although Ayden pushes her boundaries towards his own gain, everything which occurs between them romantically is consensual on both sides. This is not meant to be an ideal relationship to aspire towards, but a depiction which is sometimes healthy and sometimes not.

I stare at the plush 4-poster bed, covered in blankets and pillows. I fear what will happen when I lie down. My warring emotions are still clawing to find their release. I could cry. I could scream. I could vomit. But none of that would do me any good. I need to keep moving and start plotting my way out of here. There will be time for heartache when I'm free.

I poke around my new room, searching for any kind of weapon or leverage. There is none. I do, however, find a wardrobe stocked full of clothes, ranging from ballgowns to blouses and leggings. Strange. Wouldn't a guest usually bring their own clothes?

There's an ensuite, with a toilet, a bath, and a sink. Under the sink is a cupboard, where I find a few toiletries.

I go back into the bedroom and feel around all the floorboards. None are loose. None reveal any hidden secrets.

Beneath the window is a desk, where I find pens and paper in the drawer. I pull out the cushioned stool and sit down to write.

I write down all of Alex's rules as a reminder.

Lesson one: Always pay attention to your surroundings.

Lesson five: There is always a way out.

Lesson nine: Master deception, but don't let another deceive you.

All forgotten during last night's disaster. I won't let myself do that again. I refuse.

I write down everything I know about Ayden, forcing my hand to etch the painful words onto the page. Lesson number five glares at me from the other page. I title a third piece of paper 'Escape?', before putting the pen down and looking up at the window. If I look closely, I can just about make out the flecks of grey preventing me from using my magic against it.

I need to explore the entire mansion before I can find a proper escape route. If I could distract a guard for long enough to slip through an open door or window... I jot the idea down. Then I shove the papers back into the draw, hiding them underneath the blank stack.

Curious, I cast out my magic around the room. I instantly regret it, gritting my teeth against the wave of nausea caused by the negative energy strong in the air. I hang on for a few seconds longer, using my magic to search for the presence of other magic. There appears to be a magical shield in the outer walls of the mansion, but there is no other magic in the room.

I try to use my earpiece to recount my tale of stupidity to Alex... But nothing happens. When the earpiece is in use, I can always hear a faint static sound. I hear nothing. No static. And certainly not Alex's comforting voice. I curse. I'm truly alone here. I don't know what's wrong with the earpiece, and I wouldn't even know where to begin fixing it.

The digital clock on the wall tells me it's mid-afternoon. I don't know what time Ayden will be expecting me, but I likely have a few hours to kill.

Out of things to discover, I begin to pace the room.

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