Chapter 19

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Staying at my parents' house that weekend was a nice reprieve from school and my job. The only awkwardness I encountered was when my mom began asking about my courier job.

It was Saturday, and we were all eating a late breakfast, when my mom asked me whether I had to go to work. I told her that I wasn't on the schedule to work that weekend and could relax and enjoy my downtime. My answer must have been sufficient because she didn't ask any more questions regarding work, other than if I liked it. I told her I did, but the lies were mounting. Whenever she asked me about my job, I had to add a new lie to the ever-growing stack. It made me uncomfortable.

Weekends always pass too quickly. That's the only thing I hate about them. I certainly felt that way on Monday morning as I went to my English class, a class I shared with Matt Beiber, and the memory of our altercation on Friday was still fresh in my mind. I entered the classroom, took a seat, and wondered if Matt intended to pick up where he left off on Friday.

With less than five minutes before the start of class, students were still filing through the door, but Matt hadn't shown up. I watched the door and hoped he wouldn't.

Unfortunately, when the door opened again, Matt entered. When I saw him hobbling on crutches, I was floored. Stacey trailed after him, carrying his books. For a split second, Matt's eyes and mine met but he looked away quickly. Relief spilled over me; he'd have a harder time accosting me on crutches. But, I was also curious.

I kept sneaking glances at him throughout class, speculating about how he had broken his leg. Had he done it at football practice? Did the stupid oaf get drunk and tumble down some stairs?

When class was finished, I noticed that Stacey had returned to help him with his books. She looked as gorgeous as ever, wearing khaki shorts and a white tank top, which accentuated her tanned skin. Matt never once looked back in my direction to catch me sneaking glances at her.

When they were gone, I asked the guy who had sat next to me if he knew how Matt had broken his leg. He only shrugged and said he didn't.

There was a half hour before my next class so I returned to my dorm to swap books. Leo's car sat parked in front of my building when I approached. When he saw me, he lowered his head, looked over the rim of his sunglasses, and beckoned me over. I leaned down to the window and Leo asked, "Did you see your friend Matt today?"

My brow furrowed at his question. "Did you do that to him?"

Leo looked at me appalled, as if I'd just accused him of groping a choirboy. "Me?" he asked pointing to his chest. After a brief pause, a sly, all-knowing smile curled on his face. "Yeah, you won't have to worry about that asshole no more." Leo patted a wooden Louisville slugger propped in the passenger floorboard beside him. "We took care of him."

"You didn't mention my name, did you?" My voice wavered, stricken with worry. "You know he can go to the police and implicate me too!"

Leo waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. I didn't mention anyone's name. I just told him that he was a worthless punk who liked to pick on guys smaller than he was and that I thought he was a coward. I gave him a whack across the shins with old Louie here." He gave the baseball bat another pat. "I didn't wanna end the boy's football career; just put the fear o' God into him. I told him not to go to the police if he liked breathing and to quit picking on other guys."

As I stood listening to Leo, I swear I imagined a corona circling his head. He was my fucking savior looking out for me. The next thing I asked myself was how Leo found out about my encounter with Matt. I hadn't told anyone...and then it came to me. I ran into Daniel as I was leaving the gym. I told him what had happened.

If Daniel hadn't said anything then Leo must be a mind reader. He said, "I doubt you were the only one he was picking on."

Did that mean Daniel had a run in with Matt, too? I doubted it. There was no physical evidence to indicate such a thing, at least not when I last saw Daniel, and I'm sure Daniel would have said something to me if there had been, out of commiseration if nothing else.

"How did you hear about Matt picking on me?"

That little smile formed on his lips again. "A little birdie told me."

Yeah, right. A little birdie named Daniel. I wondered what else Daniel was telling Carlo about me.

I changed the subject: "Do you have an assignment for me?"

"No. But, don't worry. Carlo'll have an assignment for you soon enough. In the meantime, relax and enjoy yourself."

"Are you kidding? I've got to study my ass off to make up for the time I missed when I was working."

Leo smirked, slid his hand down to the ignition, and cranked the car. Before he left, he said, "I'll see you soon." As usual, just as he was pulling away from the curb, he waved and said, "Don't get none on ya."

As I walked away I thought about that little birdie again. I was positive it was Daniel and wondered why he would mention anything to his uncle unless he knew Carlo had mafia connections. In my mind's eye, I watched Matt hobbling around on those aluminum crutches, not looking at or speaking to me. A smile brightened my face and I went up to my room to exchange books.

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