The Gryffindor boy

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Dear Dairy,
                         I began my first official day at Hogwarts, I've been sorted into Slytherin much expected but I can't stop thinking about the boy with the frog named Trevor, his face may not be a sight for someone else's eyes but it's one for me but the 1 problem is that he's a Gryffindor, I hope these are just little jitters and this is nothing like love, I'll write when I need to.

I closed the leather journal and looked out the window, my view from the my window is a lovely one. "Ready to go down to the great hall?" Dalphe Greengass one of my roommates asked. "Yeah I guess." Getting off my window walking with her. "Leslie guess what?" Draco my cousin asked walking up to me with his goons. "What do you want Draco its to early for your nonsense." I said looking over at him. "Harry Potter is here." He said pointing at a Gryffindor who looked like an idiot. "Who's that?" I asked. "You don't know who Harry Potter is?" Dalphe asked shocked. "Did he kill someone or is he relevant in my life?" I snapped back. "He's the one who survived you idiot." Draco said. "Doesn't sound like someone I should care about." I said sitting down in the great hall.

I knew who he was but I know pretty much nothing about him so he's wasting brain space thinking about him. "Well my father said I had to befriend him but that didn't work and he knows nothing about you so you have to." Draco said sitting in front of me. "What do I get if I do?" Grabbing some breakfast. "I don't know popularity." Draco said shrugging. "My mum is Bellatrix Lestrange I think I'm pretty famous." I said taking a bit into some eggs. "If you don't mind I'm going to ignore you and talk to Dalphe." I said turning to Dalphe starting a conversation with her.

"Ugh Malfoy is so annoying I swear." Harry said. "I heard his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter is here." Fred said pointing at a jet black haired Slytherin. "I bet she's a prick." George said. "She seemed nice when I bumped into her yesterday." Hermione said looking at who the twins were talking about. "That's what they want you to think, then she'll tear you up." Fred said pretending to be scary. "Tell them Neville she seemed nice." Hermione said turning to the shy boy. "Huh?" He said coming back from his own world. "You talked to her when when you grabbed your frog right? Tell them she seems nice." She said. "Y-yeah she was prett- I mean nice." Neville flushed realizing he almost called the daughter of the woman who tortured his parents pretty. "See." Hermione said. Neville wondered if the young Slytherin was really nice...

As the year went on they both grew but never spoke a word to each other but yearning the other's attention. "So do you girls like anyone?" Pansy Parkinson my other roomate asked me and Dalphe. "No dating in school is silly, we're here to learn not love." Dalphe said flipping through her book. "You les?" She asked looking at me thinking I cared. "Umm no I don't think so I'm with Dal." I said drawing a picture of Neville. "You girls are no fun, if I'm being honest I think Draco is pretty cute." Pansy said blushing. "Ew Pansy gross he doesn't even like you one bit." I said looking in the mirror. "Hmm black hair is quite boring." I said focusing to turn my hair pink. "What do you girls think?" I asked looking at them. "Umm I think blue would really match your eyes." Dalphe said touching my hair. I focused and I turned my hair blue. "I wish I could do that it seems so fun." Pansy pouted. "That's more like it you look good." Dalphe said braiding my hair.

I was walking outside then I saw a black haired Ravenclaw walking up to me. "Astrophel right?" She asked triggering me calling me by my stupid first name. "Don't. Call me. Astrophel." I said with my hair turning orange. "You're a metamorphmagus?" The girl said shocked. "Yes just don't call me Astrophel." I said with my hair turning blue again. "Well what should I call you?" She asked sitting down with me. "People call me Leslie." I said playing with my hair. "Well it's an honor to meet you Leslie." She said putting her hand out. "I'm Cho Chang it's nice to meet you." She said shaking my hand. "Pleasure." I said shaking her hand.

We talked for a bit and talked all the way to class and we talked after class. "Um Cho can you keep a secret?" I asked her. "Yeah why?" She answered. "Well what if a Slytherin liked a Gryffindor?" I asked. "Oh my Merlin who is it?" She asked excitedly. "NevilleLongbottom." I said quickly. "Oh my really?" She asked. "He seems so kind and respectful." I said. "Well to answer your question I think it all depends on how much you like him, if you really did you wouldn't care on who he was as long as you liked him you wouldn't care that your houses are enemies." She answered. "I'll see if it's just a little first year crush thanks Cho." I said. "Anytime Leslie." She said walking into towards the Ravenclaw dormitory.

I was walking towards the Slytherin Dormitory but then saw this. "Heh what a little loser are you gonna cry to mummy? Oh wait you can't do that." Draco teased, I looked to see who he was bullying and it made my blood boil. "Draco leave him alone." I said crossing my arms. It made him a bit shocked because I'm typically protective over him because I loved him like a little brother. "Les step down." He said signaling me to go on. "Draco leave. Him. Alone." I said with my hair turning red. "Or what you know you love me to death." He teased. He was right, he was my only friend growing up which made him my top priority and we were always there for each other growing up. "Aw don't tell me you like this little fat loser." He teased only playing with me. "YOUR MOTHER RAISED A STRONG WIZARD NOT A BITCH!"  I yelled taking him by surprise considering the fact I never yell at him. "My father will hear about that Astrophel." He said walking off.

"Are you alright?" I asked turning my hair blue again. "Y-you're Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter." He whimpered scooting back as I kneeled in front of him. "Ugh my stupid mother, don't worry I'm not like her and I want nothing to do with her she's a fool who named me a foolish name." I said sitting down with him on the floor. "I'm Leslie." I said. "Where'd you get that name?" He asked. "Well my surname is Lestrange so I got Leslie from Lestrange. I explained. "I-I'm Neville Longbottom." He said. "It's an honor to meet you Neville Longbottom." I said shaking his hand. "Your hands are soft I MEAN-" He got incredibly flustered which made me giggle.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to say that I mean your hands are soft but- I mean- uh why am I like this." He flushed hiding his face with his hands. "It's ok." I said fighting off the urge to say it's cute. "Um I have to go it was nice meeting you and b-by the way, blue looks good on you." He said before running off.

I am never changing my hair color again.

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