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As the year passes Neville and Leslie spent quite a lot of time together. "I can't believe Dumbledore is putting on a goodbye banquet for you." Neville said as they walked to the great hall. "It's extremely kind of him really." The now Malfroy blonde girl said clinging to Neville's arm per usual. "Well hello but I'm stealing my best friend mon amie." Seamus said stealing Neville, Seamus had been saying dumb shit in French ever since he found out Leslie was leaving for France and it was quite funny to the girl.

As the students settled into their correct tables Dumbledore began to speak. "As most of you know, Astrophel Lestrange or Leslie is leaving for Beauxbatons and we wanted to let her know Hogwarts will miss her dearly. She is a bright young girl who often gave strangers advice because she is an intelligent, caring, charming young lady and we'll all miss the intelligent young therapist, Miss Lestrange please say a few words for us." Dumbledore said causing Leslie's heartbeat to speed up. Public speaking, every awkward teen's biggest cause of anxiety.

"Go on, bare your soul let us in." Trelawney said dragging the girl up to the front. "Bare my soul? Let them in?" Leslie thought as she stood in front of all of Hogwarts. "You can do it." Draco mouthed as soon as Leslie looked over at him.





It shouldn't bother her but it did not knowing if they'd think that her speech would be stupid. "Go on dear we'd like to know what you thought of your Hogwarts experience was like before you go to France." McGonagall said signaling to everyone. "Can I sit down..." But before anyone could react Leslie had collapsed holding back tears. "OH DEAR ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Flitwik asked rushing towards her. "I-I just need to sit." She said rushing to the Slytherin table. "That, was sad Leslie." Pansy said as the blonde girl tried to regain her breath. "Piss off Pansy." Draco said scooting closer to Leslie.

After the banquet Leslie decided to open the letter she has gotten from someone from Beauxbatons who's supposed to be her guide around the school.

(((Pretend that this is in French I speak Spanish not French)))

Dear Astrophel Lestrange,
I am Collette Clément and I'm quite excited to meet you, we hope your experience at Beauxbatons will be fun and educational with good memories and in Beauxbatons you won't have houses but you'll be separated by gender and age. I hope you can understand what this letter says and we can't wait for you to join us I hope we can be the bestest of friends and help you with anything you struggle with.
Sincerely, Collette Clément

Reading the letter gave mixed feelings, sadness and excitement. Leaving people she loves but being able to make your own personality, it seems to be a bridge she'd cross when she reaches it.

The next day Cho and Leslie were walking around the school together holding hands making use of the time they had together since the year was coming to an end. "I'm going to miss you Sisi." Cho said squeezing Leslie's hand as they sat down. "You're going to miss me? My boggart was your dead body Cho." The girl said.


"Ok who's next? Oh I'm sorry I don't think I remember you." Professor Lupin said as Leslie stood in front of the line." I'm Leslie Le- uh I'm Leslie sir." Leslie said, she knows Professor Lupin was not a fan of the Lestrange family so she decided to keep her surname quiet and with him forgetting her made it easier.

"Well come on up Little Leslie don't be shy I don't bite I promise." He said as she walked up to the wardrobe. She watched the boggart transform into something she never wants to see. "Is that, Cho Chang's dead body?" Pansy asked. "Oh-Oh just picture her happy coming to uh hug you, oh please don't cry." Professor Lupin said hoping the girl doesn't break into tears.

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