Back at Hogwarts

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Leslie was excited to say the least. Madame Maxime had asked her to act as a guide and a translater at Hogwarts. Plus she was allowed to watch the tri-wizarding tournaments and see Neville again. They managed to understand their needs in a long distance relationship and are stronger than ever.

"Lavender Brown." She said.  "HII!!" Lavender cheered waving like crazy.  "How're you holding up? I know how madly in love you and Neville and how the distance is killing you two." Lavender asked. "I'm well actually I'm just enjoying Beauxbatons it's so beautiful and get this, they're are veelas here."  Leslie said.  "NO WAY?!" Lavender cried.

They talked for hours till Leslie had to "go do something important" but really she had to finish packing since she had to leave for Hogwarts the next day.

The next day she was about to leave but something pushed her bag. "Puffy what are you doing?" She smiled picking Moonpuff up. "Do you want to come with me?" She asked. "I'm not allowed to but it won't hurt anything right?" She smirked.

Leslie grabbed a bag big enough to hold Moonpuff in, closed it half way, grabbed her stuff and made her way to the gates ready to go back to Hogwarts.

"Ok Leslie is here oh here dear let's put that bag with the others." Madame Maxime said reaching out for the bag Moonpuff was in. "NO!! uhh, it's just filled with stuff in case I get nervous." Leslie responded. "Oh my apologies go on." Madame Maxime said allowing her to enter. "Don't make a noise Puffy." Leslie whispered sitting down.

"Now everyone remember some simple rules. Number 1 if you need anyone to translate Leslie is coming for that reason and if she will help you around, number 2 be a good influence we are representing all of Beauxbatons and most importantly, enjoy." Madame Maxime said.

As everything spoke Leslie grabbed a magazine from her bag hoping Moonpuff hasn't destroyed it.

She looked at the cover and saw "Stefan Krum. The youngest man to be named most handsome wizard." In bold letters. Stefan Krum was Viktor Krum's twin brother and a very famous model in the wizarding world, all of Leslie's friends fancy him but Leslie looks for the good heart then falls.  Does she think he's attractive? Yes. Would she date him right this second? No she doesn't know anything about him and she thinks her boyfriend is pretty hot.

"Oh I heard 'e iz still in school and will be at Hogwarts." A girl said pointing at the at Stefan. "Wow." Leslie said staring at Stefan. 'My friends better not do anything stupid.' She thought.

"Get ready everyone we're here." Madame Maxime said fixing her appearance. "Hello Dumbly-dorr." Madame Maxime said. All the older students made way for Leslie since she had to leave first. "Everyone, I have good news." Dumbledore said. "Leslie will be here-" Dumbledore tried to finish but was interrupted by Slytherins cheering. "As I was saying she will be here as a guide and translater for everyone." Dumbledore said. "Come on." Madame Maxime said helping Leslie picking her up to help her out the carriage. "Wee!" Leslie quietly cheered as Madame Maxime places her on the ground making Madame Maxime chuckle.

Leslie quickly ran to the side wrapped in a blanket holding the bag Moonpuff was in and waited for the older students walk out. "Draco!!" She whisper-yelled looking around. "Hiii!" Pansy whisper-yelled hugging her from behind. "Hii." Leslie smiled leaning onto Pansy. At first Leslie didn't like Pansy but as she really got to know her she was kind to her. 

As soon as Madame Maxime said they'd go inside to warm up Leslie tried to run in but Pansy had a tight grip around her using her as body heat.  "Lemme freeee." Leslie said trying to break free but Pansy refused.  "THE LAKE!!" Someone yelled causing Leslie practically snapped her neck to look.  A large ship was emerging from the lake which Leslie assumed was Durmstang's boat.  "Hello Igor it's good to see you again." Dumbledore said as a handful of students appeared behind the Igor man and Leslie gasped among seeing one.

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