chapter 36 - part 1

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2 days later -- Day on Adventure Island

"Yeah! So the day for which we were waiting for so long hae finally come!" Jessica exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah Yeah I know babes." Jennifer said.

"It'll be amazing.!" I said.

"Yea. And we are just leaving from school in about 30 minutes." Peter said.

"Yes. It will be so much fun." Ritvik said.

"Are all ready?" Prakil asked.

"You go! Go and enjoy with your friends" Peter said sarcastically giving stress on last two words.

"Too much sarcasm!" Prakil smirked. "Don't worry guys I'll also try to remain with you also" he quickly added.

"Its okay Prakil. You don't have to. You go have fun with them and don't worry about us at all. We'll all enjoy a lot more than you guys will. Right guys?" I asked them and Ritvik, Jessica and Deny nodded.
"Yeah we will." Replied Jennifer and Peter excitedly but more to show Prakil that we will have more fun without him but that's not true. I would be more fun only if Prakil would be there. Anyways I know he have to go with his other friends so it's no point in discussing that.

"Attention everyone. We are now leaving and here are few instructions that you have to follow:
You guys will remain with your class and the alloted teachers till you reach there.
When you'll reach there you all will be free to go wherever you want to go and roam around but as we will make an announcement for luch you will be gathered and have your lunch. After the lunch is over, you guys are again free to roam. We will gather at 3:45 p.m on the play we left you and around 4 p.m we will leave for school. you all will come in those Busses only in you you came. After reaching school we all will be assembled at the school ground and without informing the teacher concerned you will not leave the school. Hope everything is clear now? Any questions?" Paused and continued "Okay then make a line. We will move to the bus area."

Our class teacher instructed us all about the trip. Yeah we all understood and now we are ready to leave. Yeah. Finally. It will be great fun.

"Kim! Listen! We will sit together in bus okay?" Jennifer said to me.
"Of course Jeny.! I would only sit with my Jeny." I said and giggled as she joined me.
"Hey. Wait. What about Jessica?" She said.
"Oh. Yes. Jessica is also there rite. Don't worry we'll see what happens." I said as she smiled and said "okayy" excitedly.

We went to board our Busses and found out seats. Yeah we got a three seater so me, Jennifer and Jessica sat together and Deny sat on one single seat whereas Peter, Abhit and Ritvik sat together. And Prakil with his other friends.

"Hey what are you guys eating? " Deny asked Peter.
"Why should we tell you?" He said teasingly.
"Peter! Tell na" I asked him.
"Okay okay we are eating chewing gums." He replied.
"Hey.. I want it too." I said.
"Okay. Have this." He offered me one and I took it. I love chewing gums. They are awesome.
"Me too."
"And don't forget me eh?"
Jennifer and Jessica said.
"Finished. The one I gave Kim was last." He said and I laughed. They too love it.
And then I teased Them both that I got the chewing gum and you guys don't. Haha. It is fun. Sometimes we do a wired things. But best friends are the one with whom you can be wired with.

We sang songs in the way and played Dhamsharas. It's a game of acting and guessing the movies. And I am the expert in it. Yeah.

"We are just about to reach!" Ritvik said excitedly.

"Yeah. We know that." Deny replied.
And everyone was like yes it is obvious we all can see the way.

We finally reached there. Yeah and noe we are free to roam around!

"So? Which one first?" Ritvik asked us.
"Twister!" Peter replied.
"No way man! That is such a horrifying ride." Abhit said as Peter and Ritvik laughed at his scared like a child expression.
"Yes! We all will go to twister once I don't know we will definitely." I said but more commanded.
"Yaa. We will." Jessica and Jennifer said.
"See Abhit girls are not scared and you are scared.! Lol." Ritvik said as we all laughed.
"No way." Deny said.
"Yeah you have to go babes." Jessica said.
"Arre twister will come down I'd she sits on twister. It will stuck down and will not go up. " Abhit said and we all laughed Un controlably. Deny was obese so we often made statements like these teasing her. Anyways she don't take it seriously!

"Haha. Very funny no?" She said.

"Look guys someone is so jealous" I said.
And all again burst out laughing and this time Deny too laughed out loud.

"What was the thing about jealous in this?" Peter asked me still laughing.

"Well I don't know" I replied laughing. That was seriously awesome.

And we finally decided to go to 'side winder' first. It was like a great weel which swing back and forth and rotate as well. It was dangerous but yet fun. We were now in its line waiting for our turn to come so that we could take the ride.

While we were waiting in line Prakil saw us. "Are you guys mad? You are going on this ride? Come back please it looks so dangerous." He shouted at us so that we could listen to him in such a huge noise.

"No way!" Peter said.
"We are not comming back Prakil." I said.
"You can come with us if you want to." Deny said.
"No Deny. Let him enjoy with his friends and we will enjoy here with ourselves." I said to her.

"Guys please come back." He called us again.

"No way Prakil. Bye see you after the ride." Ritvik said because it was our turn now as we all sat together Prakil saw us and told me to come back in just indicating through his eyes but I shook my head and he got the message that I won't.
It was lol that we could talk through the indications by our eyes. Yeah. I likes it but .. ugh leave I don't want to talk about it rite now. I just want to enjoy my ride.

^^^^ after ride ^^^^

"It was amazing." I said to everyone and they noded in response.
"We had lots of fun Prakil. You should have also tried it." Peter said to him as I walked ahead not looking at Prakil and soon everyone catch me up.
And now we were upto the next ride. It's was just a simple one. We had to sit and it swings in the air round and round. It was a type of the ride we saw in movies know as 'cyclone'.


I am so sorry guys for a very late update. :(

But I hope you likes this chapter. :)
It is half. I would soon publish another part of this chapter.! And I will all about the fun at adventure island.

Hope you enjoyed reading this one. :)

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