chapter 40

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It was all going wrong! No this shouldn't happen.
What the hell is wrong. Ugh. My head is paining a lot. Omg. That's so not going smooth and the way we thought about it.
First of all it all happened with me and Jeny that we are not like 'stranger friends' just talk to each other for any work or because of other group people but now Prakil and me? I mean we came so close and we had that awesome 'bond' and we were like getting attached to each other but this. This is so not done. We are separating day by day. That too just because people comming and asking if we are committed or what and people teasing us from the other one's name and all these shit.

I mean what the fuck dude. First of all Jenifer and now Prakil and we were the best friends and because of us the whole group was there. I remember that day when me and Jenifer were on ph.

She said " I know Kim.  And you know what! You are the only bond between all our group members which keep us together. No I mean it seriously. Like a tree whose roots bind the soil, you bind our group.
You are my best friend and that'd why we I mean me and Jessica are there in group and you are Prakil's best friend too and because of that PeterAbhit,  and Ritvik are in group and you are also good friend of Deny and she is in group. If you wouldn't have been here there had not been any group.!"

Well I don't want my group to fall apart but it is falling apart.

Everything which is together eventually falls apart.

Like the chair. It is made of four legs and when the legs are broken the chair will fall apart. We people are here and are friends but eventually if we stop talking we will too fall apart. But I don't want that. But we can't stay together forever and I know it.

Ugh. I am again getting double minded that if we're gonna stay together or not.

Okay. Fine just let it be what it's like. Lemme not think of all this again. Lemme try and fall asleep. I had to get up early for school tomorrow. And we too don't have much time for our finals. They are in march and this is January going so now lemme not think of all this and just focus on my studies.

*next day*

It is assembly today and we are standing in assembly. And ... wait what the hell omg our principal is addressing the boring assembly and she suddenly stated talking about productive Saturday that is tomorrow. Yeah. Let's see what are the plans then.

In class.

"Children you wanna watch minions or about A. P. J Abdul Kalam? "

And we all agreed for minions. Yeah. They are that small and cute cartoons that are now trending. That'll be cool for tomorrow. Let's see.

*next day*

"All of you make a line we have to go to multi purpose hall."
Our teacher asked us to make lines.

"Huh? Multi purpose hall? Now for what?" Jessica said.

"Um. I don't know." I replied.

"Maybe for minions?" Prakil said.

"Yaa that could be" Peter replied.

"Let's see." Jennifer said. And we went to hall. And yeah we were rite. It's the minions.

We all sat together and watched minions and talked a little in between and then the movie was over in 5 periods. We then had recess.

"Dude that was awesome." I said in excitement.

"Yeah. Saturdays should be like this always." Prakil replied.

"Yeah and that would be so much fun" Jenifer replied excitedly.

"Yeah. Eat luch quickly now." Peter replied.

"Yaya." Ritvik said.

"And then?" Deny asked.

"Then we'll have our type fun" Prakil said smirking.

"Yaya for sure" Jessica replied.

"And what's that our type fun?" Peter asked and Deny asked.

And everyone laughed because we all new that that is teasing Peter and Deny and roaming in ground.

"Why are you laughing?" Deny asked.

"You both will get to know soon what is that" Jessica said and I guess they understood it and they pouted and made a face like 'not again please' and we all laughed more harder.

Well that's cool even tough we are now having some differences yet we are having our fun maybe that's called the best friendship. Maybe it's not forever(I understood it now cause there is no such thing called "forever") but it's Atleast the best friendship ever and the best class ever I had.

And we had that 'our type fun'.
Wow. We gotta know that the remains two periods is p.t
Omg. That is just so awesome yay!

First we played 'tug of war' and I one Team there were Prakil, me, Peter, and in another team there were Jenifer, Jessica, and Deny. Well Ritvik became the referee. And my team won yeah.

Then we played ice and water for some more time and then we were back with our basketball. Our favourite game. It was me, Ritvik, Jessica and Deny in one team and Prakil, Jenifer and Peter in one team and the match went draw.

Then we all were tired and it was about 5 to 10 minutes left for the school to be over and I must say this was again a best day!
Although we are having some differences but yet this was an awesome day.

And today I realised a thing!
That is I just knew that we were having fun but it is not like that. We are making memories that'll stay with us "forever" in our hearts even if we are not together and now I am not scared anymore if this group falls apart. I am happy about that there are memories that'll always be with us.

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