chapter 32

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-- Day of our first cycle test --

"So you guys prepared? Eh? We have our first cycle test today after 10 mins." Jennifer said to all of us.

"Yeah. Kind aa .!" Peter replied. He was not worried at all. I could make out by his expressions.!

"What do you mean by kind aa? Dude it's our exam." I said.

"Yeah. I know right. I have prepared from my side.. rest all depends on cheating. " He said and everyone laughed except me and Prakil and Jennifer.

"Seriously? Cheating!" Jennifer said making a face.

"Yeah. What else he could do!" Prakil said with a sigh.

"Hey, what do you mean? You don't cheat that doesn't mean that we should also do the same. Right guys? We'll do what we want." Peter said with a smirk.

"Yeah obvio." Ritvik, Deny, Jessica and Abhit replied.

"Guys you know what! We should score by our handwork. What if we score bad. It's just that it feels good when we score good with our own hard work and not on some ones else." I said. And they all made a fave except Jennifer and Prakil.

"Oh just shut up Kim. We are in no mood of your lecture." Peter said as I pouted.

"Okay. As your wish." I said and giggled. Every one also laughed on first I pouted and then I giggled. Haha. I know I am some what wired but that's me!
We all exchanged our all the bests and went on our exam seats. I sat with my friend krivi and she is a nice girl. I like her. Well Prakil and Peter sits together; lucky guys; and Jennifer with Jania she is such a Bitch. So irritating such a type of a aunt I would say. Anyways. Jessica sits with Deny ; again lucky girls. ; and Abhit with Arnish and Ritvik with Raman.

--after exam--

"So? How was the exam?" I asked Jennifer.

"Well it was awesome. I knew every thing. You tell." She replied. She seemed very happy.

"It was.. Okay. " I simply replied I had nothing to say 'coz it was just okay.

"You tell Jessica. How was it?" I asked Jessica as she had came here just a few seconds ago.

"Awesome from my side. Let's see what happens now." She replied.

"Well that's good." I said.

"Hmm" she hummed and then smiled.
Prakil,Abhit and others were discussing the questions and suddenly the teacher arrived so we all sat or our respective seats. Again me and Prakil sat together so I thought of chatting. I was in no mood of lecture or anything... I picked up a page from my note book and wrote

Me: Hey. How was your exam??

Prakil: Well it was good. :) but why are we chatting? That too in b/w the lecture?

Me: We are chatting b'coz I am in no mood of attending a lecture. :p

Prakil: Oh. Okay. How was your exam?

Me: It was good...

I was writing and suddenly the teacher interrupted me.
"What are you writing Kim? " she asked and I was shocked but scared more.

"M- ma'am I - I was just wri- writing the sentence you told." I said praying to god that please she should not ask to show me that thing to her...

"Okay. You better pay attention and write it down later. Sit." OMG I was so relaxed on her words. I passed a small smile to Jennifer as I found that she was looking at me. She soon smiled back and concentrated on what mam was explaining.
And so the lecture goes on.

--last period.--

It was more likely a free period because our teacher was busy with some other students preparing them for tomorrow 's assembly. So we had a lot of time..! Yeah.

Me and Prakil were talking as usual. Suddenly Radhika, my friend came to us and started talking to us.

"You guys are so lucky. Huh. Sitting together." She said.

"Yeah. We are good friends and see our seat is fixed together. Haha." I said as Prakil smiled.

"By the way.. do you know each other well? Let's play a game.. just for fun. It'll be fun." She said.

"Okay. Yeah it will be fun. What is it?" I asked.

"Haha. Radhika, there is no need of any game. I don't wanna play." He said.

"C'on Prakil. You have to play." She said.

"No. I don't wanna play." He said.
Paused. And added " I know Kim very well alredy. I know her so well that I even can write a book on her." He said and me smirking. Haha that was a good one. But yeah it was true. He knew me so well.

"Hahaha. Seriously? Okay then tell something about her." She said laughing at his sentence.

"Okay. See. Kim, you love helping people, you love watching movies and singing songs.-- " Radhika cut him off "Is he right?" She said and I noded and she smiled as him as he continued "Well her favourite colour is Royal blue. She thinks the same way that I think. We both think that this is not the age for relationships and all. We should focus on our studies etc.--" I cut him off. " That's it Prakil. Now stop. She came to know that you know me so well." I said joking as they both also laughed.

Today was an awesome day. I love his that line... that he know me so well that he can write a book on me. Hahaha.

Suddenly Jessica arrived. She had some game made of paper in her hand.
"What is it?" I asked.

"Oh. See. I have written all our group members names on this paper and folded it stepwise in a manner that when I'll open one step it should half letter and the person has to tell whether he hates, likes or loves this person just by looking half at the letter and when he completes it I'll show the full name." She said explaining me and Prakil the game.

"Wow. That really interesting. Prakil, try it." I said looking a him and he immediately replied "Why should I?? You try first." He said frowning.

"No. You try... Please. .." I said and he said "Okay fine. Go on Jessica." He said.
And she started the game.

"Uhh... hate." He said for the first one and that was Jennifer as I laughed haha.

"Umm... like." He said. It was Abhit as he smiled.

"Yeah. Go on that's interesting." I said interrupting them and they go on..

"Hate." It was Deny as me and Jessica laughed out loud.

"Hate." It was Jessica itself.

"Hate." It was Peter. I laughed.

"Hey.. that's not fair. You are only saying hate to everyone now. Be fair." She groaned.

"Okay fine." He said.

"Love." And OHMG! ! It was my name.. Jessica smiled. And he blushed.

"Like." It was Ritvik. And the game ends.

"Oh ho... woah woah.! Prakil loves Kim. . Prakil loves Kim. " She stared saying loudly and I shushed her.

"Just shut up Jessica. It's nothing like that okay.? We are just good friends." I said.

"Prakil loves Kim.. Prakil loves kim" she stared again. And I shushed her again.

"Okay. Cool. It was just a game dude. C'on" I said.

"What ever.! " She replied.

I know It was just the game but I felt different when he said love and I found that it was my name. I think he knew it was my name 'coz I could also even make out by half letter that it was my name. Whatever. I enjoyed a lot today.!

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