Chapter 5

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     I was woken up by Diego jumping away from what seemed like a small puddle and forcing me to get up suddenly and trip as Manny yelled from Diego clawing at him. "We overslept, we need to get a move on now," Mannie said as we ignore Sid spouting nonsense about a tribe of mini sloths. "What do you think about all that?" I ask Ellie as she just shrugged and continued the gurney right into a land that was filled with vultures. I was so focused on hiding between Ellie and Diego as a fairly scrawny vulture was staring me down as if it was waiting for me to die.

"Food, glorious food...we're anxious to try it~" A vulture from my right started to sing as another flew over and continued.

"Three banquets a day, our favorite diet!~"

"Just picture a mammoth steak, fried, roasted, or stewed~" A small Kid vulture tuned in before the other adult vultures tuned in for the course.

"Oh, food, wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!

Food, glorious food,~" we started to run as the vultures flew down and started to pick on us.

"Poached possum served flambé,~" one said to terrorize the brothers.

"Broth made from a sloth~," one sang running Sid into a mud lake

"Or a saber-tooth souffle~," Several said looking at Diego while trying to grab me if it weren't for Diego grabbing my scruff and glaring at the birds.

"Why should we be fated to,~"

Do nothing but brood,~

On food, magical food, wonderful food, marvelous food?~

Food, glorious food,~

Flesh picked off the dead ones,~

Rank, rotten, or chewed,~

Soon, we'll be the fed ones! Just thinking of putrid meat~

Puts us in a mood for~

Food, glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food,~

Magical food,~

Glorious food~"

After tormenting us for a while they finally finished the song and left us on our, and Diego felt it was safe to put me down. 'Finally, I thought it would never end,' i thought as we finally manage to see the bote roughly a mile in front of us. We all started to celebrate before geysers started to shoot out from the ground.

"ok come on," manny said before a geyser popped up in front of him. "I don't think that's a good idea," I mumbled as a small geyser popped up near me. "Are you insane we'd like to keep the fire on our bodies? It would be safer to go around." Ellie protested only to be countered by many. After they do back and forth with me trying to stay by Diego.

"Ok, i want you to go with Ellie," Diego said after Ellie turned to go the safer route. "What why?!"

"Because I said so and I want you to be safe and that's the best option."

"Bu-" Before I had time to protest Ellie grabbed me and started to head in the other direction. "Come on hun it's for the best let them have a death wish."

"But doesn't both sides have a death wish?"

"no," Ellie said shutting down any protest.

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