21. I see you

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''It's been quite a night at the castle, it seems.'' Mysaria remarked smugly.

''Yes, my lady.'' Tayla agreed. They met in secret in the tunnels.


"What are you thinking about?" Uri questioned rolling over her chin on Aemond's chest. He ran his hands over her spin.

"You." He answered simply.

"Me?" Uri mused.

"I don't fucking care if its too soon where you are from. I've never felt like this." Aemond told her. "I've never felt this connected to someone."

"I feel it to." Uri admitted. "Perhaps your fiery bloodline and my... fire?" Uri mused a flame flickering in her hand.

"Or maybe its because you see me. Really see me." Aemond told her as she leaned up bringing her lips to his.

"I see you." Uri agreed.


''Come on, come on. That's it.'' Alicent encouraged helped Viserys back into bed. Giving him his teas tucking him in. ''Oh... Well done.''

''I'm sorry.'' Viserys rasped

''Shh.'' Alicent coed.

''I'm sorry.' Viserys repeated again.

''Shh, shh, shh.'' Alicent coed.

''But you wanted to know... if I believe it to be true.'' Viserys told her softly.

'' Believe what to be true, my King?''

''Don't you remember? Aegon...''

''Our son?'' Alicent questioned confused.

'' His Dream. The Song of Ice... and Fi... It is true. What he saw in the North. The Prince That Was Promised.'' Viserys said in a daze

''I don't understand, Viserys.''

''The Prince.' Viserys told her

''Prince Aegon?''

''To unite the realm against the cold... and the dark. It is you. You are the one. You must do this.'' Viserys told her softly ''You must do this.''

'' Shh, shh.'' Alicent coed as Viserys let out a deep breath and Alicent blew out the candles. ''I understand, my King.''

''No more. No more.'' His breathing became short as Alicent headed out. ''My love.'' Viserys said softly his breaths growing shallow and then they stopped.

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