36. Unions

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''I'm Prince Lucarys Velaryon. I bring a message to Lord Borros from the Queen.'' He remarked as he got to storms end. They brought him inside and he built up his courage.

''Prince Lucarys Velaryon. Son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen''. They introduced and Lukes gaze went to Aemond Targaryen.

''I brought you a message from my mother. The Queen.' He corrected.

''Yet earlier this day I received an envoy from the King. Which is it? King or Queen?'' he countered smugly. ''The House of the Dragon does not seem to know who rules it. What's your mother's message? Where's the bloody maester?'' they waited as the maester stepped forward grabbing the scroll. He read it over with distaste. ''Remind me of my father's oath. King Agon at least came with an offer. My swords and banners for a marriage pact."

Aemond felt like he was betraying Uri. He was. But his mother commanded it. If they were to win this war and stay on the iron throne, if he was ever going to get a chance to be king, he needed to win. He offered up his youngest brother Daeron. He knew that was not what his mother wanted, he had been a squire with his cousins in old town but leaving uri he didnt think he could do that. Meeting her and falling in love with her. He offered Daeron instead. Borros had stared at him for a long moment, demanded Aemond instead for his daughter. Aemond said Daeron would be a fine fit but Borros didn't want third in line to the throne. He wanted the next in line. A union would be made, Aemond or Daeron, they would discuss it later. Aemond requested once Borror met his younger brother he would be happier for it. But now Luke was here, trying to win allegiance.

''If I do as your mother bids, which one of my daughters will you wed?'' He looked to Aemond, a true born son of Alicent was to be married as part of their agreement if he sided with Targaryen, Hightower. ''Boy?'

''My lord, I'm not free to marry. I'm already betrothed.'' He answered honestly.

''So you come with empty hands.'' He chuckled ''Go home, pup, and tell your mother that the Lord of Storm's End is not some dog that she can whistle up at me to set against her foes." Luke stared back at him before nodding.

''I shall take your answer to the Queen, my Lord.' He headed out but Aemond spoke up moving towards him.

''Wait. My Lord Strong. Did you really think that you could just fly about the realm, trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost...' Aemond offered the smile on his face was nothing less than vicious.

''I will not fight you. I came as a messenger, not a warrior.''

''Fight would be little challenge." Aemond agreed. ''No; I want you to put out your eye. It's payment for mine. One will serve. I would not blind you.' He removed his eyepatch and a gem was revealed where is eye used to be. ''I plan to make a gift of it to my mother.''


''Then you are craven as well as a traitor.' Aemond remarked smugly as Luke backed up

''Not here." Lord Borros demanded.

''Give me your eye, or I will take it, boy." Aemond threatened spinning his blade in his hand.

''Not in my hall." Borros demanded ''The boy came as an envoy. I'll not have blood shed beneath my roof.'' Aemond smirked back at him as he put his blade away but his glaze was vicious still. ''Take Prince Lucerys back to his dragon. NOW!"'' The storm ragged on outside and Arrax was unsettled when Luke approached him.

"Focus!" Luke demanded. ''Pay attention, Arrax!" Luke begged trying to settle him. ''Be calm! Listen! Obey!''

Thunder and lightning struck around them, ragged waves beating against the shores.

''focus focus and be calm Arrax.'' Jace pleaded as the storm raged on. ''listen...'' he climbed on his back sailing through the storm "Fly ARRAX.'' Wind whipped around them his wings flapping aggressively as he tried to go to vicious winds thunder and lightning echoed around. The storm only picking up moving faster gaining speed, when he saw aemonds dragon vhagar came flying right at him. His dragon was the largest dragon in the world, would've eaten him in a moments notice this giant jaws.

''Quickly! Turn!'' Luke begged as Aemond laughed out chasing after him. Trying to get out of the way of Aemond and his dragon flying through the storm barely able to see meanwhile Aemond joyously chased his nephew but slipping through the stony cliff sides, luke evaded him. Arrax was small enough to move through, his dragon it just kept going putting the tight spaces in between the mountains. Hidden among the clouds in the storm and darkness

''You owe me a debt! Boy!'' Aemond shouted but arrax came blasting fire in vhagars face.

"No ARRAX," Luke pleaded, ''save me,'' Luke begged pulling him up into the air. They found clear skies above the storm. But vhagar came faster than Luke could react. Chopping at Arrax again and again Luke screamed aemond couldnt control vhagar, Vhagar was angry and kept at it. Arrax fell broken apart wings severed from his body. Luke nowhere in sight.

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