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Eddie's POV

Me and Dustin just finished the most medal concert in our life's, I'm about halfway up the makeshift rope to the normal Hawkins when one of the bats got through the vents and Dustin is already safe on the other side, he's safe. I cut the rope so Dustin doesn't go after me and I run, I distract the bats they're all chasing me when- I fall.

I'm on the freezing cold ground, my whole body covered in my own blood, my throat hurts from screaming in pain, the bats suddenly drop dead and I'm about to close my eyes when I hear footsteps.
"Oh god, Eddie!!"
I look over and see Dustin above me, tears already starting in the corners of his eyes
"Bad huh?" I ask, even though I know it is, there's no hope for me now
"No, you're gonna be fine." Dustin lies "just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?"
"All right. All right"
Dustin goes to grab me and help me up but I feel a sharp pain as soon as he tries lifting me up.
"Come on." Dustin tries.
"I think, I just- give me a second, okay"
I feel blood in my throat and try not to choke, failing.
"I didn't run away this time, right?" I muster out, I feel my eyes getting heavy with drowsiness. Never in a million years would I of thought this was how I die
"No no no no" I see tears stream down Dustin's face.
"You didn't run." He says, he looks so sad, I just want to see him smile.
"You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?" I say, I hear Dustin's breathing hitch
"No, you're gonna do that yourself."
"Nah, man." I try to smile but it hurts too much.
"Say 'I'm gonna look after them', say it" I try.
Dustin sobs more, god this hurts so much more then the pain everywhere.
"I'm- I'm gonna look after them..." more tears stream down his face.
"Good" I say, closing my eyes.
Dustin is holding me so close in his arms I hear his heartbeat and I try focusing on it, his tears are getting all over me, but I don't mind.
"I think it's finally my year.." I struggle out with a small chuckle. "Finally my fucking year" I smile up at him.
"I love you, man." I've realized I haven't said those words to him as often as I should've and I wish I would've just said it more to the kid.
Suddenly I'm freezing, I can't feel anything but the cold all the pain just went away, and I feel the darkness consuming me.

I must've closed my eyes at some point because the next time I open them I'm somewhere new, I'm in this void like space, and there's water at my feet? Is this how death truly is? Sure I've never been the religious type but- it's so- I didn't think it'd be like this- It's weird, and quite. I try looking around to try and see something but there's nothing. So I start to walk around for what feels like hours, maybe days? I keep thinking about my life, about Dustin, Steve, Robin, Nancy, the rest of Hellfire, Wayne. God Wayne must be so worried right now. How's he gonna know?! What if he never knows?! I feel tears in my eyes, huh I guess you can cry when you're dead, good to know. So I sit down on the wet(?) floor and think more about my life, about what I didn't say to my friends, my family, Steve. I feel the tears stream down my face. What am I supposed to do now? And why's it so quiet here?! I quickly bring my hands up to my eyes and try to wipe the tears from my eyes. This can't be it can it? This surly isn't it, not after what most religions say. Maybe it's because I never really was religious but hey, what's a guy supposed to do when everything just sounds like a made up fairytale? I wipe my eyes and stand up again, but I feel like I'm being watched? That's weird I couldn't find anyone or anything when I was walking around this void of a space. So I turn my head where I feel the cold feeling of being watched and I quickly feel my whole body jolt, stepping back a few steps and hold my hands out. In front of me, there is a kid- they're just standing there all confused looking at me, which makes me confused. Is this what Vecna looks like? I mean I don't think I could picture it in my head; a short-about mikes height, just a tad bit shorter-kid with a buzz cut, a long sleeve flower shirt, and blue  denim jeans? Ah yes that makes my mind go straight to 'Vecna the evil mastermind who got me framed for murder and rules the upside down' that's him all right! But still it's weird, why would this kid just show up now? Out of nowhere? They literally just popped up out of thin air! I'm about to say something when I feel sharp fire like pain go through my whole body, I hold my stomach-like that'd help at all- and back up a bit more. The kid looks concerned as they ask something I can't understand and I feel bad about it but what else could I do? It's not like I could answer the pain is too much. But then it hits me. How the fuck am I feeling pain right now? I haven't felt pain sense I got here, and I'm dead. Right? I suddenly hear noise everywhere and god, this is overstimulating. I shut my eyes and bring my hands to my ears backing up, but then I suddenly trip into the black abyss.

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